Forgotten Feelings

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(This was requested by @kristine_gaming.)

genre-normal au, fluff

(Author's pov)

"Oh, you like her?" you asked, slightly downfallen. "I see."

You felt tears prick your eyes when Ray said that he had feelings for your close friend Emma. However, he didn't know that you were in love with him though.

"That's right," he said, noticing your concerned expression. "Is that bad?"

You quickly shook your head as you dragged your finger across the pages of an open book about mythology. "N-no! It's perfectly fine," you replied. "Why?"

"No reason. But, (y/n), you know you can tell me anything." Ray stated. He smiled. "That's what best friends are for, right?"

You nodded. "Yeah, that's what best friends are for." You said, repeating him. "Well, are you planning on confessing to her?"

If Ray's happy, I'm happy, you thought. I can't be selfish.

"Oh right! You're one of Emma's close friends, so what do I do?" he asked. You only shrugged in response.

"It's guaranteed she'll listen to you, so you can just tell her anytime. Probably when you two are alone," you suggested. He nodded, trying to remember what you just said.

"Got it. Thanks (y/n). What would I do without you?" he said, before giving you a side hug. You returned it back before waving goodbye to each other and going your separate ways. You two left the library to do your daily chores.

Time skip to a week later

"Alright Ray, you ready?" you asked. You yourself are definitely not ready. You did not want to watch the boy you loved confessed to he had feelings for. But this is for the better anyway.

It'll only be what, 5 minutes at most? you thought. Ray wanted you to watch and direct him into doing the right thing. So you currently stood still behind a wall, with only your head peeking out.

You saw Ray lean against a tree trunk, looking around awkwardly. Usually, Emma and the other kids would play tag, so they should be here

Just exactly on time, you saw Emma with our younger siblings follow behind her. You attempted to smile, and you gave a shaky thumbs up in Ray's direction. He noticed you and immediately walked up to her.

You watched as they conversed with their hands. You felt your bottom lip tremble when you a gentle touch on my shoulder. You quickly turned around. Norman.

"Hey,(y/n), whatcha up to?" he asked cheerfully. You managed a weak grin before answering.

"Apparently Ray has a crush on Emma, so he asked me to help him with her," you said. Suddenly your eyes widened. "Wait, no sorry, forget what I said!"

Damnit, (y/n), you can't even keep a secret! you thought before looking back at Norman. His face didn't have that lighthearted smile you usually see on him. Instead, it was a contemplative, concerned expression.

"You okay?" you asked. He slowly nodded his head, but you felt like he was lying.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Can I help in getting them together?"

When he said that, you felt like he had the same purpose as you. To make your best friends feel happy and satisfied. How he gazed longingly at the pair.

You sighed. "Sure."

Two minutes passed. Even though you didn't hear what they were saying, you already knew the message. Ray's blush, Emma's look of surprise. They all interpreted precisely what they were saying. When all of a sudden, you heard Emma shake her head.

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