I Love You (Valentine's Special)

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Requested by @UhLinji

(This story is actually a time skip to ten years later after the end of "The Student Council." So all characters are 26-27.)

Also this will be the final ending :)

(y/n)'s pov

"Yes, I'll arrange one right away."

It's my second year as the CEO of the (l/n) Conglomerate. There are times I regret taking the position, for it leaves me really tired and really sleep-deprived. These were certainly those occasions.

"Hi (y/n)!" I heard (f/n) say as she walked in my office doors. I could tell she was coming from the way her heels clicked from the elevator across the hallway. She works as a news reporter and sometimes visits me when she's on her break. "How are you doing recently?"

"Dead," I responded, as I buried my face in my arms. My workplace was pretty organized, besides the heaps of paper balls in my trash. "I wanna go home."

(f/n) sat on the silver couch in front of me. She looked at her watch before responding. "Looks like you still got three more hours left. No can do."

I groaned. "Damnit! Why did I think of signing up for this?! No one told me how hard managing a company was. And the fact that Ray was, God, he was a jerk last night!"

"Did you two fight again?" she asked sympathetically. I nodded, covering my eyes. "Well, disagreements are normal in relationships."

"He could have at least explained why he was late coming home again," I muttered looking at her. "But no! He just smiled and shrugged before going to his room."

(f/n) listened as she turned on my TV. Astoundingly, Gilda was on trending on the Internet. I glanced up and saw her on Channel 7.

"After she won that competition in high school, she became practically famous," (f/n) murmured. "Millions of high-class businesses wanted to hire her."

Gilda's original designs soared, and after college, she started her own company. I was able to model one of her first pieces of clothes as well. 

"I know, and I'm proud," I said smiling as she finished her interview.

"Alright, well then see you later!" (f/n) said as she then stood up and waved while she walked out of my room. I waved back and buried my face in my arms when she left.

Ray and I have been together for quite a while now. I don't really like being open about it, and we almost never go on special rendezvous to places, because the public audience can be brutal. Once they realize the successor of one of the leading companies of the facility and financial services is dating someone, social media will definitely go wild.

I got a call from a partnering corporation and went to answer it, as I finally completed all of my paperwork.

5 hours later

"Hi, (y/n)," Ray greeted, as he put down his bags. It was three hours past his normal time."Have you eaten yet?"

"You're late," I said to Ray as he went through the door. I was on the couch still in my work clothes, already full from making dinner for myself. "Can you at least elaborate on why you aren't punctual again?"

He smirked as he greeted and kissed my cheek. "You're so cute when you're angry," he said as he walked to his separate office.

Sometimes I ask myself why I even fell for him in the first place because the moron still gets on my nerves.

I could hear Lily practice her piano from the other room. She was in high school now and taken a career in music contests. After Miss Isabella stopped teaching, Nat became her new mentor.

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