Operation Mistletoe

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So this is our Christmas special!

Consider this Part Three of the series of (f/n) and her ship.

genre-fluff, modern au

(f/n)'s pov

"Hey, do you think Ray wasn't actually playing around with what he said at your sister's party?" I asked (y/n). She looked up from her science book and narrowed her eyes at me.

"(f/n), how many times do I have to say this? He was just joking around," she answered. We were in the school library studying for our tests, but I got sidetracked thinking of (y/n) and Ray. "So for the love of God, please stop asking that."

"But how about the karaoke night?" I said, grabbing her attention. I tried being quiet since of what location we were in. "You're literally living in those super long enemies-to-lovers fanfiction I pull all-nighters just to read!"

"I was forced to sing," (y/n) explained, going back to her book.

Why does she have to be so stubborn sometimes? "Well, the (y/n) I know wouldn't even put that much effort at any chance with a duet with him."

"Maybe I wanted to actually sing for once," she fired back. I changed the subject slightly.

"But just think of all the possibilities!" I answered excitedly. "He's not that bad when you think about it, sure he's a bit of a flirt sometimes, and kinda pisses me off in journalism club, but that's just some minor flaws." 

I added, "Besides, in Ray's defense, what's so difficult about him? He seems nice, and he's a pretty smart guy. Not to mention he's in student council with us as treasurer!"

"(f/n), he's just, hard to figure out. Sure I admit he's kinda sweet, and his grin compliments him and-" she said while smiling to herself. I raised my eyebrows at her. "Wait. Forgot I said that."

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm not planning on forgetting that. So you yourself said that you think Ray's sweet and he has a pleasant smile. Also, you said the word, "and". That basically means you have a whole list of why you like him."

I was about to go on when a certain voice interrupted me from the side.

"Who thinks I'm sweet?" Ray said checking out classic literature books from the side. My eyes widened as (y/n) hid her face in embarrassment. We watched as Ray strolled toward us, carrying his bookbag. Guess it's time for me to leave. My presence would honestly just make things even more awkward.

"I, um, forgot I had to walk my fish," I muttered to them before running out. (y/n)'s gonna kill me tomorrow. And, (f/n), what kind of excuse was that?! Walking your fish?!

I immediately went to the convenience store to buy (y/n)'s favorite drink as a peace treaty.

Timeskip to next day

Today is our second-to-last day before Christmas break. We just have to get through all our final tests today, and it'll be smooth sailing. The next day is just a relaxation day. I really don't know why we still have school tomorrow.

I came to school bright and early in my usual spot next to (y/n). No one was here yet, so I thought I would use my free time to study. After about ten minutes, she arrived. "(y/n), please accept this gift of my deepest apologies. I am sorry for saying those things."

However, she didn't seem to be listening and just stared at her desk. She seemed to be in shock. "Uh (y/n), you good?" I said while waving my hand in front of her face. She shook her head slowly.

"Ray and I studied yesterday," she stated.

"Studying? That doesn't seem that terrifying," I replied. But she continued and I wholeheartedly took back what I said.

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