Diamond Butterfly

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Requested by @tobiosmilkboxx

genre-reincarnation au

author's pov

"For good luck," the princess said to her lover. She presented him with a small music box, that housed a hand-cut diamond butterfly. 

"I'll come home," he answered confidently. "I'm enlisted for a reason. We're gonna win the war." 

He proceeded to kiss her softly and she waved at him as the lowly peasant left on horseback. 

Please make it back, she thought. Please, please, come home.

He did make it back. 

He did make it home.

But only in spirit. 

"I'm sorry, princess," the lady of the court said sympathetically. "He was part of the fallen." 

She cried. No, wailed was a better word. Ray, her knight, her hope, her light, her love was gone. 

The only thing left of him was the butterfly. Sadly, the music box was destroyed in battle, so only the gem lay intact, free of dirt and debris. It shined like when it was first carved, catching the sunlight when it glittered. 

Gracefield Conglomerate won the war. They signed a treaty with the residing nation. Fireworks were heard all around. Townspeople celebrated with festivals. They lived many years of peace.

 But at the cost of the princess dying soon after. Of loneliness. She couldn't bear another day without her love, it was killing her from the inside. 

And one night she slept, and no one could wake her up.

Until 4 hours later, she was pronounced deceased with only a diamond butterfly in her right palm. 

Two centuries years later

"The Story of The Princess and the Peasant was a famous legend of how a queen died because of sadness without her true love. And no one knows what happened to the butterfly after," her friend said to (y/n). 

"Thanks for the story, it was really sentimental," she answered. 

She didn't believe it. Not one bit. Fairytales were for children, she thought.

(y/n) proceeded to walk out. She wanted to sit down at a park to clear her head for a bit. She was so lost in her thoughts that she accidentally bumped into someone. 

"I'm sorry," she said as she noticed a small object glint on the ground. She looked at the person she bumped into. "Is this yours?" 

She looked at the object, and it was a diamond. A diamond precisely cut into the shape of a butterfly. It captured the daylight as it sparkled. There was not even a hint of blemish on it. 

(y/n) felt him touch the butterfly that still lay in her right palm. "It is," he answered.

They looked up at each other for the first time. 

And that's where it hit. 

The first glance after two-hundred years.

Most people would regard it as a pretty trinket that you would lay on your shelf for display. But for (y/n) and him it was different. Way different.

She regained the memories of her past life. And so did he. Just gazing at the item and the person in front of them made their souls feel like it was overflowing. The pain, the reminisce, it all came back.

The Princess and the Peasant wasn't a mere legend; it was an entire life story.

In unison, they said,

"I found you." 


Again, this was requested by @tobiosmilkboxx. Hope you enjoyed reading!

Thank you for 14k reads and have a nice day/night!

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