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Part 7 of Love with a Loss of Innocence

(y/n)'s pov

Everyone in the room had the same crest on their shirt: two embroidered goldfish jumping over a lake. 

"Welcome to the Court of Paladin," the boy in front of me said with a smile. "We'll be more than happy to teach you." 

He bowed slightly, as my eyes widened at the sudden gesture. I still was surprised over the whole "Crown Princess" situation, so people prostrating in front of me was still something to get used to. 

"I'm Oliver," he stated after straightening up. "His Highness gave us the task to teach you how to swordfight." 

"I see," I answered, looking over his shoulder. The other ten were glancing at me with interested eyes. "Well, thank you." 

"From now on, we are all in your service, my lady," Oliver added. He gestured for everyone else to stand, and I noticed that each wore different attire. They are donned contrasting shades of blue, to hues of rose gold. 

"Well, what do we do now, Oliver?" a woman with close-cropped hair said. "We've met the girl, so do we start sparring with her?"

"Not yet, Violet," he answered. "We'll have to see her strengths and weaknesses first."

 I was fiddling with a frayed edge of my hair. It was a really annoying habit of mine, and I tried desperately to break it since I was fifteen. Unfortunately, I've retained it to this day. I was about to speak up when I suddenly heard the door open again.

"Sir Yuugo!" a girl with glasses and pigtails exclaimed. I narrowed my eyes, remembering him from earlier. Wasn't he the chancellor or something?

"Good afternoon, princess. I'm glad you've got to meet everyone," he said to me. "I'm sure you'll work well, with the assigned lessons from your father. You've done fencing before, yes?"

I nodded slowly. "I never practiced it seriously; it was more of a recreational activity."

"That's fine," Sir Yuugo replied. "The Court of Paladin is our highest regiment behind the royal family themselves. I'm sure they'll make a fine swordswoman out of you yet."

I've said my gratitude before they quickly whisked me away to an empty courtyard. It was surrounded by some villagers, including some I've seen from this morning. It was crazy how so many things happened in such a short time. I just arrived in Ellesmere to give my input for the war and suddenly became the kingdom's rightful heir.

As I walked out, one of the people I recognized from the town square spoke up.

"Hey, doesn't that mean you're basically an illegitimate love child?" he said. He wore a bandana over his perspiring forehead. 

"Illegitimate love child?" I repeated softly. That did seem like an accurate description of myself. Funny how I could be summarized that easily. 

"Ignore them," a tall girl with deep black hair and a mask said. "I'm Paula, by the way." 

"Oh, hello Paula," I responded. Her hair is really pretty, I thought. 

"Oliver and I will be your instructor for the time being," she stated, twirling her sword gracefully around her wrist. There was a lavender engraved teardrop on the blade, with the words, "Protect".

"Yes, I believe the others are busy creating strategy ideals," Oliver said as well. "Our numbers have been decreasing, and only a few soldiers are left. At this point, might as well surrender."

Paula proceeded to give me a wooden practice sword, as I pondered over his words. Just how strong was the Royal Conglomerate? I know I've witnessed their authority with my own eyes, but I've never seen them at their full control. 

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