The Sargasso Sea

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Part 18 of The Student Council

Also, title reference to the literature section of our academic decathlon.

(y/n)'s pov

We have a test for biology next week, which counts as 50% of our grade. So (f/n) and I were in the library, studying for it.

"Hey," I heard a voice say in front of me. I didn't even need to know who it was. I just ignored it and went back to my book. "Are you disregarding me again?"

I didn't reply. I didn't have time to get distracted! (f/n) was cramming, her eyes scanning flashcards, way too busy to even hear the voice.

"(y/n)," Ray continued sitting in the chair next to me. "What are you reading?"

I felt him look over my shoulder, and I could feel his faint breath on my cheek. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, as I proceeded to learn about the ocean.

The Sargasso Sea is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and it's known for, God, I can't focus since Ray's right next to me. Well, it's known for its abundance of seaweed, and for what animal again? If Ray is the reason I fail this quiz I swear I'll-

"Turtles live in the Sargasso Sea for a little bit right?" (f/n) said, looking up. Her eyes widened as Ray quickly sat back in his seat. "I didn't even notice you came here."

"It is," I answered, grateful that she spoke up at just the right time. "Now, Ray just what do you want now?"

He shrugged, as he spun his ballpoint pen with his fingers. "Nothing. But Mr. Minerva wanted me to tell you that it's closing hours."

I looked out the window, and it was already getting dark. I forgot the library closes early since it's winter hours. "Right. (f/n) let's go."

She glanced at the clock, as she closed her book. "Wait, I forgot about my flute lessons! Sorry, gotta blast."

She quickly packed her stuff in record speed before going out the corridor. If there was one thing you should know about (f/n), is that she hates being late. "See you tomorrow, (y/n)!"

"There she goes, again," Ray said, pushing back his chair. "Sure you'll get home safely?"

I straightened up before heading out the door. I waved. "I'll be fine. I know my way home, and if I'm in trouble, well, I know who to call."

He seemed to think about what I said before he said goodbye.

"Later," he said as we parted opposite ways outside. I started my walk home at 6 pm in the dark. By myself.


Okay, so far, nothing seems bad. Just a bench here, and a streetlight there, the occasional stray cats, I'm fine. This is fine. This is okay.

I could hear sounds coming from any direction. It wasn't my first time walking in the dark, but (I never did it alone. People do this all the time. Casually taking a stroll, when the sun already set, I thought.

Just two more blocks. Just two more and I'll be home safely. This is fine, this is okay, this is fine, this is-

"(y/n)!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. "Long time no see!"

"You grew last time I saw you," another said behind me. I stopped in my tracks, thinking of whether I should turn around.

"I'm sorry, but I think you got the wrong person," I muttered, without moving from where I stood. No way is this happening when I'm so close to my house!

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