Winter Nights

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Requested by mossycosplays

also, the request page closed back in February. I shut it down early because it piled up quickly, so again, please don't request right now.

genre-normal au, fluff

Author's pov

You looked out the window of the shelter, trying to remember just how many weeks had passed since your family escaped. Has it been five, six? you thought.

You turned around and your friends were all behind you, sitting down at the dinner table. Tonight's meal was soup like it has been for the past two weeks or so. But you were fine, you were used to it.

You sat down next to Ray. He waved, so you waved back. Your family started eating, so you followed. 

The soup was particularly filling, and its different components livened up the plain flavor. You enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Did you cook the soup?" you asked Ray. He was already finished, while you were still halfway. He nodded.

"I did. It's the recipe Mujika taught," he answered. "Anna helped me."

Apparently, you made an expression of concern and thought for he asked after.

"What? Jealous?" he questioned. He snickered as you shook your head. You weren't fully envious, just interested in their newfound relationship. 

"I am not," you said. It was true, you weren't. Well partially weren't. You chose to leave the conversation there, as you finished your food. 

"Well, we should get to cleaning," you spoke again. "These dishes aren't going to clean themselves, you know."

"Right, right," he responded, standing up. All the other kids were finished, and they helped with cleaning the table.

Everyone finished putting all the plates away in a short amount of time because there was a large number of people living in the bunker. After, all the kids were given free time, so you went out to the library to find a new book. Nat was playing a piece as some of the younger kids played around. 

"Look! It's snowing!" Alicia exclaimed. You looked out the window closest to where you were standing. It was, for you saw soft mounds of white snow covering the landscape. You gasped, it was truly a sight. 

You walked to the main room, where everyone was at. Emma was giving extra blankets so it wouldn't be cold at night. 

"Be sure to bundle up!" she said. "It's gonna be freezing tonight."

You smiled gratefully and said thanks softly. You took a blanket, before heading out to where you slept. No one was here yet, so you found your cot amongst the others laying in two rows. You sat down, cross-legged, and started reading your new book.

It wasn't as enjoyable as the other ones you read and after ten minutes, you grew bored after ten minutes. Soon, it was lights out and you met everyone else as they came into the room. 

After saying good night to fourteen other children, you yourself laid down. However, you felt a whisper beside you.

"Good night, (y/n)," Ray said. You beamed at him.

"Good night Ray," you answered back.

Twenty minutes

It was so cold you felt like you were going to die of hypothermia. The extra blankets didn't help that much, and you wondered how all the other kids were sound asleep. You stared at the ceiling, listening to the clock tick by. 

"Are you awake too?" Ray murmured next to you. You turned to him and nodded.

"Yeah. It's too cold to sleep," you answered honestly. He seemed to be thinking of something, as you observed his expression. He proceeded to roll his eyes and gestured toward himself.

"Look, I'm only doing this because I care about you," he explained as you looked at him in confusion. "But push your bed over to mine."

You nodded slowly and obeyed. You made sure to slide it quietly for you didn't want to wake anyone up. "Now come here next to me," he said after. 

Your face warmed up instantly, and you hoped he didn't see you blush in the dim light of the lanterns. You stayed where you sat, hesitant to go near him.

"(y/n), I'm not going to do anything bad," Ray said. It's not like you hated him, you were just embarrassed that the cold night slowly led to this. 

Eventually, you cautiously laid down next to him, trying to hide your face. You didn't make eye contact with him as he gazed at you. 

"Isn't this warmer?" he asked. You buried your face in your pillow and turned the other way. 

"It is," you answered. You mustered up the courage to turn to him but didn't realize that you were going to be about a hairsbreadth away from him. You immediately concealed your face in the blankets as he laughed at your reaction. 

"I bet you would've asked Anna to sleep next to you," you muttered. You were obviously thankful for his action, but the small shred of envy still remained, even if you didn't want to admit it.

"See, you are jealous," he said again, like earlier. "No wonder you left right after dinner sulking."

"I was not," you answered, again glancing away from him. 

"Yes, you were."

"No, I wasn't."





"Yes, and that's the end of that. Admit you felt envious and we can go on with our lives," he prompted. You clearly felt irritated with his persistence, but finally dealt with it.

"Okay, yeah, maybe I was. Happy?" you whispered, suddenly irritated with his presence. 

He laughed again. "You're so easy to tease. And your reactions make it even better." 

"Shut up, you dumb hermit," you stated, catching his attention. The lack of space between him and you didn't make it easier. 

"But you were, and you obviously answered," Ray said. "See? That wasn't so hard."

"Well, you're not the one answering!" you said quietly. Your heart was racing a million times per minute. He didn't answer, and you two went quiet for a minute before he broke the silence. 

"(y/n)?" he said. You glimpsed at him again, wondering what he could have wanted. It was probably 11:30 for all you know, and you felt kind of tired. "Can I try something?"

"Like?" you asked. Ray was an unpredictable boy, and he always surprised you with something new. He slowly found and took your hand and the sudden warmth of his fingers almost made you jump. He looked at you in approval, and you nodded carefully, although you had no idea of what he meant. 

He gradually brought your hand to his lips, as your eyes widened. You suddenly felt paranoid, as if you felt someone was watching you. He deliberately let go of your hand.

"Sorry, I kind of read one of your books last week," he explained, embarrassed. "I thought you would enjoy it."

You smiled. "Thank you. It was really, pleasant," you said after. You really pleaded that he couldn't see how red your face was, after all that had happened. 

You two called it a night and went to sleep in each other's arms.

Extended ending:

"So we're just not going to talk about how (y/n) and Ray were sleeping together?" Don asked the next day during breakfast.

"No Don," Ray answered. "No, we're not." 


Again this was requested by mossycosplays

Thank you for 137k reads and have a nice day/night!

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