Farewell to the Piano

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so to make up for my trashy last one-shot, I'll be attempting to write another one! (watch this become a sad one again)

also, this wasn't requested by anyone, so here's another random idea

genre-fluff, modern au

btw, my friend gave me the idea to write this

(y/n) was a pianist.

She always been one and always will be. Her mother taught her how to play when she was four before she passed away. The last words she said to her, were, "Music is a way to express emotion, even more than talking."

So (y/n) took those words to heart and always poured out everything she felt in every piece she played. She would smile when she played "The Habanera," or stomp on the pedals, playing "Canon in D".

When she became nine, her father died as well. She lived with her best friend (f/n) ever since. Two years later, she joined her first competition and won 4th place, behind other kids named Arima, Aiza, and Igawa. They tried befriending each other over the music but it never worked out.

She then moved to the Miyagi Prefecture, where she lived with her cousin Daichi. The people there were nice at least but very loud. (y/n) didn't like it there that much with her cousin's volleyball team. They always shouted about meat and milk and dinosaurs, and when they played against other teams, they got even louder to the point where (y/n) left the game, bought food, and came back just before it ended, so Daichi wouldn't know she left.

When she was 13, she started moving around a lot, going here and there, even transferring schools. She never liked having friends, because a) it was a distraction, and b) there was no one she could relate to.

The death of her parents impacted her a lot, but she never stopped playing. She kept joining contests, winning 1st place in a few. She had her few days of fame, earning her notorious reputation of being cold and distant outside the music room, but as soon as she sat down on the bench, she transformed into a force of nature to be reckoned with.

All this changed when she had to sell her piano to help her grandmother. (y/n) always promised her mother to keep playing, but she didn't know if she could now. She did not play the piano for a year until she enrolled in a new school. Her grandmother even insisted she stayed in until high school.

On her first day, no one talked to her. Well obviously. (y/n) even heard the rumors that went around, the ones concerning her emotionless expression. The day was, boring, to say the least. She didn't care whether she had friends or not. She was very much an introvert and found solace by herself than surrounded by a bunch of people. All she wanted right now was to go home and sleep.

It was now the final hour of school and (y/n) got lost trying to navigate through the immense halls of the school corridors. She somehow made it into Music Room Three. She walked in curiously, trying to discover what treasures her school had.

Unfortunately, there was no host club, but (y/n) found something better. A grand piano. She walked closer. A thick layer of dust covered the smooth surface, and she sneezed when trying to wipe off the dirt.

After cleaning the exterior, she carefully sat down and opened it. After one year, she herself saw a fresh set of keys, as shiny as ever. The dust didn't reach them, so they shone like they were newly bought. (y/n) smiled as she stroked the keys slowly.

What should I play? she thought. Then she decided and played a simple melody, one she learned when she was really young.

However, she must've forgotten to close the door for it echoed through the halls.

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