Chapter 3

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Sam's POV

I don't know if it was because she paid me no attention or if she was really just that beautiful.  Whatever it is, she has me doing too much.

A car honking snaps me out of my thoughts.  I turn around and see Pastor Harold pulling up.  He stops the car, and we bump fists.

"How're you doing, Mr. Carter?  I heard you got some more people to volunteer."

The things I do for V.  "Yeah, let's see if they actually show up."

"Veronica went from 6 sign-ups to 18.  Oh, they're coming alright."

I give him a slight smile as he laughs at his own comment.

"So Sam, when are you gonna give one of those ladies a chance?"

"Not you too, P."

"I'm just saying.  You're not getting any younger.  You don't want any kids?"

"I'm good with how things are right now.  My business is successful, and I haven't had any drama in years."

"Ah, so you're scared to open up."

"I didn't say all that, P."

"You don't have to.  I read between the lines, Youngblood.  You might have everyone fooled, but I see past that tough exterior."

I wave him off, not trying to hear anything else.  "I gotta get ready for this dinner party.  I'll see you on Sunday."

"Before you go, just know I feel it in my heart that God has a soulmate for you.  Don't be stubborn, and end up blocking your blessings."

For almost 10 years, I've gotten away with no one bothering me about being single.  Now all of a sudden, I got the nail tech and now the pastor coming for me.  I open the door to my truck, and hop in.  "Take care, P."

"Remember what I said."

I quickly close the door before he can say anything else.


I walk into DeLo's wearing a cashmere sweater, dark blue jeans, and a pair of wheat Timbs.  I hope they have some good food in here.  I'm hungry as shit.  I walk up to the hostess and she smiles, holding her finger up to let me know she'll be right with me.  For a second I almost smile back.

"Okay, sir.  I apologize for that.  Do you have a reservation?"

"For Jamie Perry."

"Oh yes, the dinner party.  Follow me."

We go to a private room in the back.  I go in and scan the room as I find a seat.  I see all my boys, some ladies from church, and then V.  I stop in my tracks when I see the woman from the nail salon sitting next to her.

"Sam!"  Tevin shouts out.  Then the rest of the group looks in my direction, including V's client.

I bump fists with everyone.  When I get to Jamie, he does some slick shit like V, and pulls me into a bro hug.  "Get off me."

He laughs.  "Thanks for coming, man."

"No doubt.  Congrats on your home."

"Appreciate it, bro."

I walk over to V, and she motions for me to sit on the other side of her client.  "You remember Yemi from earlier, right?  She didn't have any plans for her birthday, so I invited her."

Damn, she's gorgeous.  I extend my hand out to her.  "Sam."

"Nice to meet you."

She smiles before taking a sip of her drink.  I notice the one dimple she has on her left side.  Everything about her face is just perfect.  Her aura is something else.

"Can I please have my face back?"

Oh shit.  V snaps her neck in our direction and laughs.  I can't help but smile.

"What?!  Is my boy over there smiling?!"  I can kill Will right now.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you," Yemi says to me.

"I'm not embarrassed.  Why didn't you make any plans for your birthday?"

"Oh, um- I um..."

"You don't have to answer."

She looks relieved.  I examine her nails, noticing the color, and of course she catches me staring again.

"Thanks for picking it out.  I love it."

"I love how beautiful you are."

Everyone in the room looks over at me with shocked expressions.  Shit.  I must've said that out loud.  This girl got me trippin', yo.

"Excuse me."  I get up from my seat and start making my plate with the plethora of food set up on the table.  Now I'm embarrassed.


Yemi is in no shape to drive.  V bought her shots for her birthday, and to tell you the truth, I think V is under a spell, too.  She's never even bought me a damn shot.  But I love that V is opening up to Yemi.  It's bringing out a soft side of her. 

"Hey cousin, do you mind taking Yemi home?  I'm about to leave to get some dick tonight."

"Don't get fucked up."

V laughs like that shit was really funny.

"No one else can take her?"

"Stop frontin' like you don't like her."

She pulls me over to Yemi who has everyone's attention.  "Yemi, Sam is your designated driver."

"Okie dokie."  They high five each other.

V waves at everyone else on her way out.  "Bye y'all!"

"Bye V!"


Inside my truck, I'm trying to keep my eyes off of Yemi.

"What's your address, ma?"

"Ma?  Are you from New York?"

"I am."

She smiles at me, and I chuckle at her innocence.

"Where you live, shorty?"

"I like ma better.... I don't have a home."

She can't be homeless.

"Can you fight?  Maybe you can beat him up?"

That was random.

"Jonathon's a fuckin' sicko."

I suddenly get pissed.  Is she telling me that some dude is taking advantage of her?

"I can take you to a friend's."

"Can I stay with you, tonight, or are you gonna try to touch me, too?"

"I'm not that type of dude.  I have a guest room you can stay in.  You can lock the door if that makes you feel more comfortable.  But when you sober up, you need to tell me about this Jonathon guy."

She drunkenly nods in agreement.

Let me know what y'all think so far.

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