Chapter 7

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"I must be really drunk. It sounded like you were actually talking to me." She walks past Sam scowling at her.

He notices the short dress on her curves, and shakes his head. "Yemi!" The boom in Sam's voice makes Yemi duck down and run from delusional gun shots.

"I don't want you bringing anyone here."

"I didn't."

"I just saw someone drop you off."

"Yeah, but he didn't come inside," she rebuttals, slurring her words.

"Where the fuck is V? She told me y'all were supposed to hang out tonight."

"You're killing my buzz, man." Yemi walks away, taking off her heels.

"Did he buy you that dress?"

"Chris?" She trips over her shoes, falling straight to the floor. She giggles. "How did my bed get down here?"

Sam is annoyed as he scoops her up, bridal style. Yemi manages to keep her eyes open as she looks into his mysterious eyes. "You're handsome when you're not mean." As Sam carries her to the room, his anger slowly leaves his face as he studies every part of hers. Her almond shaped brown eyes, smooth lips and high cheek bones. She is absolutely breathtaking.

Sam reaches Yemi's bed, and gently lays her down.

Just as Sam turns to exit, Yemi sits up with her eyes low, and clears her throat. "I got a promotion. Sooooo. I'll be out of your way very soon." She grins before laying back down.

Yemi can't see how crushed he looks. He hasn't spoken to her all week, but he secretly enjoys seeing her every day.



Some inmates and church members, including Sam and Veronica, are seated in a large circle in the prison chapel. Each person has a canvas in front of them, and four correctional guards stand by, ready to intervene if needed.

One inmate, Freddy, is standing in the middle of the circle, displaying a very heartfelt look on his face. The women smile at Freddy like proud aunties, and then Veronica stands up and approaches him. "Great progress, Freddy. Do you feel comfortable sharing your drawing with us this time?"

Freddy contemplates before revealing his artwork. Everyone, except Veronica and Sam, gasps when they see the drawing of Freddy slicing another man's throat. "It's my way of releasing my guilt and forgiving myself."

Veronica nods empathetically. "Amen."

"I appreciate you, Ms. Veronica for not judging me. All of y'all. You might need to get on Ms. Patty, though." He points at a church member. "How she gon' help me when she's too busy staring at that muthafucka over there?" He points at Sam, and then winks at Ms. Patty. All the church members laugh, and Sam hides his smile. Freddy walks to his seat as another inmate scowls at Veronica with his arms crossed.

"Man, how much longer we gotta stay here?"

Veronica's smile fades. "Johnson, you know the rules. If you're not in a good mood, please feel free to break from us."

"Stop with the bullshit. You know I gotta stay the whole time."

A guard starts to approach Johnson. "That's enough, inmate."

Sam sits up straight, going into protective mode.

Freddy shakes his head, annoyed with Johnson. "Don't fuck this shit up for us, man."

"Who gon' stop me?"

Freddy takes a few steps towards Johnson before Johnson rushes him. Sam moves Veronica out of their way as the guards stop the fight. Johnson discreetly pulls out a knife and charges Freddy who is standing not too far from Sam. The inmate moves, causing the knife to cut Sam instead.

"Fuck!" Sam yells out as all the women run up to his aide. The guards force all the inmates out, as Veronica uses a torn piece of Sam's shirt to press against his cut.



Veronica assists Sam into his loft as he sits in a wheelchair. Yemi, cooking in the kitchen, does a double take as they pass her on their way to the living room. "Oh my gosh. What happened?"

"He got shanked."

Yemi's jaw drops as Veronica tosses her car keys onto the coffee table. Sam angrily pushes himself away from them. "Go home V."

"Don't get an attitude with me. I didn't tell the inmate to-"

"And you better not cancel your nail tour!" Sam cuts her off from down the hall.

Veronica waves him off, giving her attention back to Yemi. "Anyway, the doctor said Sam should stay off his leg and have someone with him 24/7. Can you keep an eye on him while I go take care of some business?"

"I don't need anyone staying with me! Get the fuck out, Veronica!" He shouts from his bedroom.

Yemi whispers to Veronica, "I'll be here."

"Thanks." Veronica runs out as Yemi goes back to the kitchen.

Sam enters his bathroom and puts the breaks on for his wheelchair. He lifts himself up and sits on top of the toilet seat cover. He then looks over at the shower helplessly.

Slowly standing up, he hops using his good leg. He reaches the shower and turns the water on. Spinning back around, he leans back on the wall before taking his shirt off. When he lifts his injured leg to remove his pants, he shrieks.

Yemi hears his scream and runs in. Their eyes meet as Sam doubles over in pain.

Yemi hesitates before invading his personal space. Sam doesn't seem to mind, never breaking eye contact with her as she gently pulls down his pants. She leans back up and reaches for his briefs. Just as she begins to tug the band, Veronica appears. "Sam, where did Yemi go?" Veronica's eyes buck when she sees Yemi's fingers holding Sam's underwear.

"-He needed help."

Veronica can't stop grinning.

Sam moves Yemi's hands away from him, scowling at Veronica. "Why're you standing there looking stupid? I thought you were leaving?"

"I forgot my keys. But, I think Imma do the nail tour after all. Looks like Yemi has you covered."

Yemi and Sam glance at each other before looking back at Veronica. In unison they respond with a, "Hell no."

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