Chapter 26

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Sam's hand intertwines with Yemi's during the Sunday church service. Feeling someone's eyes staring at her, Yemi turns around and catches two women scowling at her before rolling their eyes. Yemi furrows her eyebrows, shaking her head at their hostility. Out of curiosity, she looks down another row and sees another woman staring at her before quickly looking away. Yemi then looks behind her, and finds the woman sitting directly behind Sam turning her nose up at her. Yemi chuckles softly, before looking up at Sam who is oblivious to what's going on. She taps his arm, and he looks down at her. Using her finger, she motions for him to lean closer.

"I can't really focus with these people giving me death stares. I'm going to wait outside for you," she whispers.

"What? Nah. That's exactly what they want. Ignore them. That's what I do." He whispers back.

"But they look at you with googly eyes. That's easy to ignore."


"No, Sam. I've never seen church people act like this," she whispers, glancing around the congregation.

"Show me who they are."


"Point to them."

"I'm not pointing. That's rude."

"Yemi..." He gives her a look, letting her know he's not playing.

She uses her head to point at the first two women, and Sam looks in their direction. When the women see Sam eyeing them, they quickly turn their face. Sam keeps his stare until they look back at him. He mouths "stop" to the women, causing them to look down in embarrassment.

"Who else?" He asks Yemi.

"Sam, forget it. It's okay. I'll just ignore them." She looks straight ahead to the pastor, shocked at Sam's reaction to the women.

He studies Yemi for a moment, and then kisses her temple before turning his focus back on the pastor. Yemi smirks to herself, low key admiring Sam defending her.


Immediately after service, Veronica runs into the restroom to pee. She speeds into the stall, quickly placing two seat covers on top before squatting. She smiles in relief. While peeing, she hears a couple of women walking in at the end of their conversation. "Girl, whoever she is, I need to know what she did, so I'll know how to get him when they break up." Veronica's smile fades away, knowing they are probably talking about Sam and Yemi.

"Wait, but did you see how he checked those chicks for mean-muggin' her?"

The women laugh. "Yes, girl. That just made me want him even more."

Veronica flushes the toilet. The women look back, now realizing someone is there. Their eyes buck when they see Veronica coming out of the stall.

"Hello ladies."

"...Veronica," they say in unison.

Veronica washes her hands as the women glance at each other, not sure what they should say or do next. As Veronica pulls a paper towel out of the dispenser, she looks over at them with a sly grin creeping over her face. "Isn't it great seeing my cousin so happy with his girlfriend?"

They flash a fake smile.

"And she's a really good friend of mine, too. So, they're definitely gonna last forever."

Veronica walks out, leaving the women in an awkward state. She walks straight outside to the front of the church and finds Sam and Yemi talking to Jamie and Tevin. "What's up, y'all?" She hugs Yemi, ignoring Jamie's stare.

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