Chapter 35

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Jamie pulls up to a Valet booth. After disembarking his car, he tosses the keys to the attendant and approaches the Lounge Bar entrance. He takes a deep breath right before he enters. Hoping this night will be a relief to the problems he's been having these past couple of weeks, one of the problems being Sam basically ignoring him.

He's gotten into a verbal altercation with Sam a few years ago, and they resolved it the next day. So when Jamie texted Sam on Christmas, he was shocked that Sam didn't write back. Instead, Sam just tapped the thumbs-up option on his text.

Then on top of that, Tevin told Jamie about the woman, J also known as Jaz, showing up at the church. So Jamie called Jaz, rebuking her and demanding her not to ever contact him again.


Jamie is on the phone, visibly upset. "Why would you just show up?"

"Last time I checked, anyone is allowed to go to a church."

"All of a sudden you want to go to church? And to mine? Get outta here with that. Better yet, get out of my life."

"Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack. Don't ever contact me or come to my church again. As a matter of fact, I'll just block you."


Jamie ends the call.

By the end of the day, Jamie had received numerous text messages and voicemails from her, yelling at him for betraying her. She also made a threat, which he can't stop thinking about: "Since your punk ass won't help me, I'll find a way to get to Sam my damn self."


He never told Jaz that he and Sam go to the same church. But for some reason, he feels like she's going to find out somehow and then do another pop up.

Jamie's thoughts are interrupted when Will -- his college friend -- calls out his name.

Jamie smiles at him, like a long lost brother would. "What's up bro!"

They mid-five before pulling each other into a manly-hug. "Looks like you got some shit on your mind. You cool bro?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Oh alright. Well, welcome back, man."

"Thanks.  It does feel good to be back."

"How long you staying?"

"For the whole weekend."

"Bet!" Will pats him on the back, guiding him to their reserved booth.

Tevin is taking shots with a few of Will's friends when he notices Jamie. Tevin throws his arms up enthusiastically, greeting Jamie.

Jamie laughs. "Man, your cousin is funny as shit when he drinks," he expresses to Will.

"The funniest," Will agrees.

"Jamie! What's up! You ready to bring in the New Year, foo'?"

Jamie nods. "So, what number shot you're on?"

Tevin starts counting on his fingers. "...A lot."

Everyone at the booth chuckles, and Tevin flashes a drunken smile in response.

"Let's take another shot for Jamie!" Tevin calls out.

Will looks around for the waitress.

"Oh damn... we're one man down," Tevin realizes. Jamie looks away from him, not wanting to start a conversation about it.

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