Chapter 34

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Sam and Yemi make it to Stephen's around 5pm. They ring the doorbell bearing gifts. Stephen's 7 year old son, Stevie, happens to be walking past, so he opens the door. He grins when he sees Sam outside. "Uncle Sam!"

"What's up, nephew? You know your pops gon' get you for opening the door." Then right on cue, Stephen comes around the corner, mean-mugging his son. Sam notices it. So he quickly widens his eyes at Stevie while playfully clenching his teeth, and tells him to, "Run!"

Stevie grins before turning around and bolting past his father. Yemi giggles and Stephen shakes his head.

"Yo. What's up lil bro?" Sam greets him with a smirk.

"Yurrrrr!" They mid-five each other before bumping fists. Stephen looks down at Yemi and grins. "Merry Christmas."

"Hey. Merry Christmas," Yemi replies.

"Yemi, right?"

"Yep. Stephen?"

"In the flesh. I've heard so much about you."

"- Alright, we can do this inside. It's mad brick out here," Sam interrupts.

Stephen sucks his teeth. "This fool moved to Cali, and don't know how to deal with real weather anymore," Stephen teases as he makes way for the couple to enter his home.

Sam closes the door behind them before helping Yemi out of her coat. Stephen observes their interaction and can't stop smiling. Sam hangs Yemi's coat on the coat hanger by the door before taking off his own.

He notices Stephen watching them, and shakes his head. "If you don't back up, man," he warns Stephen, jokingly.

"I mean..." Stephen throws his hands up in surrender. "I'm not used to do this. I'm trying to savor every moment of it. You look happy bro."

"You are your mother's child, man."

"I know. That's why I'm her favorite."

Sam twists his mouth, in that now, you know that's a lie type of way. Yemi and Stephen both chuckle at Sam before they walk further into the house.

The house is much fuller than it was earlier. Mostly Amina's family is around, including her cousins who are currently ogling Sam... not caring about Yemi walking with him. Sam and Stephen's family are sprinkled in the mix of things.

Veronica is the first to notice them. "Hey y'all!" She practically skips over to them, smiling like the proud cousin she is. "Merry Christmas boo," she sings to Yemi, hugging her.

"Merry Christmas! I have a gift for you." Yemi reaches into her bag as Veronica rubs her hands together in anticipation.

Sam pulls out a couple of whiskey bottles from the bag he's holding, and hands one to Stephen. "Where's Nate?"

"Somewhere around here," Stephen responds to him before disappearing.

Sam looks down at Yemi as she hands Veronica her gift box. "Mamas, Imma look for my fam real quick. You good with V?"

"Of course she's good with me," Veronica smart-mouths Sam while unraveling the ribbon on her present.

Sam ignores her while Yemi slightly laughs. "That's fine babe. You want to give your nephews their gifts while you're doing that?"


Yemi reaches into her bag, pulling out two medium sized presents before handing them to Sam.

"Oh wait...V, where the fuck is my gift card?" Sam asks his cousin.

Veronica reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a Best Buy gift card. "Merry Christmas," she says dryly.

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