Chapter 61

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Sam's G Wagon is parked inside of the airport's parking structure. In the backseat, behind the tinted windows, is Yemi riding on Sam, trying to hold in her moans while Sam kisses and sucks on her neck.

Yemi's grinding becomes sloppy and Sam's hands are underneath her shirt, massaging her body as if he can't get enough of her.

"Fuck Sam," she yells out before grabbing his face and kissing it.

Sam bites his lip, loving every moment inside of her.

He grabs her ass and presses her body down harder to guide her until they eventually climax at the same time. Yemi throws her head back as her body trembles.

Sam sits back and breathes out as he watches her body relax. Yemi opens her eyes, and then smiles, admiring the way he's looking at her. He kisses her lips, and Yemi deepens it for a moment.

"What time is it? I don't wanna miss my flight."

"If you miss your flight, you can't just come back home."

She chuckles and then looks at Sam's watch. "Okay, I'm good." She grabs her carry-on bag. "I'm glad you put the wipes in here."

Sam smirks as he pulls up his sweat pants. Yemi notices his facial expression

"You planned this, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he says, playfully, watching Yemi dig into her bag.

She shakes her head, smiling at Sam trying to be slick. She pulls out a case, and yanks some wipes out from it. "So what are you gonna do once you leave from here?"

Sam takes the wipes from her, spins her body towards him, using her leg, and then begins to clean her up. "Go to the gym. Jamie said the guys are on their shit, now. But I gotta see that for myself."

"I'm glad you two made up. That's very cool of him to help you."

He nods in agreement as he finishes wiping her down. "Alright, you're good," he says, referring to her kitty.

Yemi closes her legs before grabbing her panties and jeans from the seat. "Thank you, my love."



"If you ever need to talk, call me, alright? I know you've been feeling better, but I'm not sure how you'll be with us not being around each other for two weeks. I don't want you to start doubting again."

"I'll be good, babe. Don't worry."


"I should be worried about you. I got you sprung, so I don't how you're going to survive without me," she teases him.

He sucks his teeth and smiles. "Stop it."

"...Okay, I'm ready."

They get out of the truck, and Sam helps her with her bags.


Sam walks into the gym and immediately stops in his tracks at the sight of his employees. The front desk attendant is organizing some paperwork. One guy is training a member at a distance. Another guy walks past a woman without even looking at her. Another is wiping down all the equipment, nodding professionally as he greets everyone he walks by.

Even the music playing through the speakers is different. Almost like elevator music. Sam chuckles to himself before approaching the front desk.

"Yo, I'm gonna lose business with this boring music y'all got playing in here."

The attendant looks up from his paperwork and grins. "Welcome back, boss."

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