Chapter 20

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Sam's POV

Her legs are wrapped around my waist as I'm carrying her to the balcony. "Sam, the neighbo- "

I kiss her, not really trying to hear that shit. Her ass got me hot as fuck in this apartment.

She moans softly as I sit her on top of the ledge, making sure I keep my dick inside of her the whole time. "You feel so good." I kiss her again as I give her one long stroke.

"Stop teasing me." She giggles.

"Stop teasing you?" I ask sarcastically.

She nods, biting her bottom lip. She is so fuckin' sexy. I stroke again, and this time I don't stop. "This pussy is so good."

She covers her mouth as her moans get a little louder. I smirk at her trying to hold that shit in.

"Let it out."

"You're gonna get me kicked ou-"

I go in deeper, knowing that it would shut that shit up. "Fuck them. I wanna hear you." She shakes her head in objection. Alright, I got something for that ass. I slide out of her and spin her around, putting my dick inside her pussy from the back. She quickly grabs the ledge and lets out the loudest moan I have ever heard in my life. I smile as I thrust inside of her, admiring the view in front of me. Her ass is so fuckin' fat, it's making my shit get harder. "Oh my – Sam! I feel you in my stomach!" I notice a few lights come on in other apartments. Just as someone's door opens, I grip her thighs and swiftly pull her back into the apartment.

We laugh as I slide her onto the floor with me. "I got you, mamas."

She climbs on top of me, "Always?"


She kisses me. "I got you, too." She spins around, getting into the reverse cowgirl position. She grabs my dick and slides down on it. She throws her head back as her tight vagina hugs my dick. She starts grinding, and I smack her ass as I watch it jiggle. As she rides the shit out of me, I think about how much I want her even more. All of her. No way I'm ever letting her go again.

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel her box gripping me tighter. It's like her pussy is plunging the soul out of me. "Fuck Yemi." She looks back at me and smiles.

I'm staring at her staring at me. "You like that?" She asks me with so much confidence. I squeeze her ass as she continues to ride me.

"You gon' make me cum. Shit". She does some trick with her pussy and I damn near lose my mind. I see her eyes roll back as she starts shaking. She's about to cum, so I flip her over and start pounding the shit out of her. Letting her guts feel every inch of me.

I've never heard a woman's scream sound so sexy. If the neighbors weren't sure who was fucking outside earlier, I'm sure they know now. "Sammie! Oh! Oooouu daddy!"

Oh fuck. The sound of her calling me that just made me cum right along with her. I bury my head in the crook of her neck as her legs and arms collapse on the side of me. I give her a couple of pecks on her neck before I look down at her face. Her eyes are closed. I chuckle at how peaceful she looks. I stand up before carrying her to her bedroom.

I pull the comforter back and toss some pillows to the side before laying her down on the bed. One thing's for sure, she may not have any other furniture, but she made sure her bed décor was on point. I look down at her, thinking about the shit she's gone through with that muthafucka who had her sleeping in her car. I'm low-key happy I knocked him out.

I go to the adjoined bathroom and look through a nearby closet where I find some folded towels. I grab a wash cloth and wet it up real good. I go back to Yemi and slowly open her legs before wiping her clean. Damn, what does this mean for us? I definitely wasn't expecting us to have sex.

I pull the comforter on top of her and then head back to the bathroom. I rinse the towel out before hanging it up on the rack. After washing my hands, I leave out, glancing at Yemi as I make my way towards the living room. "You leaving?" I hear her ask softly. I turn and see her eyes halfway opened. I stare at her for a bit, and she falls right back to sleep. I want to stay but I know she's trying to be cautious with me. I don't know how that's gonna work if I lay next to her in that bed.

I walk back to her and kiss her cheek. I catch her eyes reopening just as I turn to leave. I do a double take at her eyes fluttering. Fuckin' gorgeous. "Good night Yemi."

"Hmm? You have to be somewhere?"

"Nah, but Imma let you sleep."

She extends her arms, motioning for me to come hug her. I just look at her, thinking about it. With her eyes shut, she whispers, "Oh yeah, I forgot. You're not a hugger."

Am I fucked up for not hugging her after what we just did? Shit, I don't even remember the last time I wrapped my arms around somebody.

"At least let me hug you." She slowly gets out of the bed, and stumbles on her way towards me. A chuckle slips out of my mouth.

"Don't laugh." She giggles as her eyes shoot open.

Damn, I fucked her shit up. Her ass can barely walk. She wraps her arms around my body and rests her head on my chest. "You're mine now. So, I'll hug you enough for the both of us."

Her words catch me off guard. "What do you mean, I'm yours?"

Her eyes search for mine. "You don't wanna be with me?" I grin consequently, causing her to laugh. "People would never believe me if I told them how much you smiled at me tonight."

"If I'm gonna be your man, there's no way I can hide my smile around you."

She blushes.

"Make sure you're good to me, Yemi. Real shit."

"I'll never do anything to hurt you, Sam. I meant what I said; when I told you I wanted to build a solid foundation with you. I'm not going to let my fear get in the way of that anymore."

"So that means neither one of us are running from each other."

"Nope. I'm here to stay. Besides, you're the only man I want."

I lower my head closer to her face. She then steps up on her toes, and kisses me passionately. It was right at this moment when I knew God sent her to me. I'm ready for whatever comes our way as we work on building that foundation, and can nothing or no one stop that from happening. Not even me.

A/N: I'm loving the comments, y'all.  Keep them coming! :) Look out for updates every Monday and Friday.  Thanks for reading!

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