Chapter 24

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Sam's POV

Our table is the only one out here on this well-lit patio. The waiter takes our menu, and then leaves to put in our order. I look at Yemi across the table from me, and she smiles. She scoots her chair over until she reaches me.

"This is better."

I smirk, watching her get comfortable next to me.

"...When did you get that dress?"

"Today. Right after you told me you were taking me out tonight."

I nod, checking out her thighs.

She playfully hits my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"...Lick your lips at me."

I didn't even realize I was doing that. "You're not uncomfortable, are you?"

"No. Not at all. I just don't know if I can control myself in public when you do that."

Whaaaat?! I feel my eyes get big, and she laughs. One thing I've noticed about her these past two days, is that underneath her shell is a flirt who knows how to drive me crazy. "You can't sit this close to me then."

She puts her arms around my neck, pulling my face closer to hers. She looks into my eyes and says, "I never wanna be too far from you. Your presence alone makes my heart melt."

I feel my body getting chills, just off her words. Like what the fuck, is this normal? She pecks my lips a couple of times, before I suck on her bottom lip. "Damn shorty. You better stop before we end up doing something out here."

She giggles, before releasing my neck. "Thank you for bringing me here. It's a little pricey, but it's a very nice restaurant."

"When you're with me, you'll only get the best. Remember that."

She kisses my cheek. "How do you know about this place? You've been here before?"

"I brought my mother when she came to visit me. A client told me about it."

"Speaking of your mother, Veronica told me you guys are going out there for Christmas. When exactly are you leaving?"

"On the 20th."

"For how long?"

"I come back on the 5th."

"We're going to have a long distance relationship for three weeks, Sam," she says with a tight lipped smile. She then reaches for her glass of wine.

I narrow my eyes at her, thinking about what she just said. I didn't even think about how she has no family to be with for the holidays. Shit, what did she do for Thanksgiving?

"Were you alone on Thanksgiving?"

I'm taken aback by her almost choking on the wine. She looks at me like she needs to tell me something.

"Why're you acting like I just asked you something trivial?"

"Cause I'm not sure how you'll react to what I'm about to tell you."

"Yemi, we're in a committed relationship. You should be able to tell me anything. If you're uncomfortable doing that, then should we really be together?"

She looks at me in shock. "Sam, I've only had one boyfriend, so you have to bear with me. This is all new to me. I'm not uncomfortable; I just don't want to trigger your trust issues."

"Don't hold shit in for me. I know you have a good heart, so just speak your mind."

"Okay." She takes my hand in hers, and starts caressing it. "You know how I told you I became cool with Kaylin's mom after going to their Sunday dinners?"

"That's who you were with on Thanksgiving?"

"Yes. And they invited me over for Christmas, too."

"Is that what you want to do?"

"Well, I...I rather...I would like to-"

"-Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Not tell me how you really feel."

She looks away, shyly. I gently grab her chin, turning her face back to me.

"I like it better when you're confident with me."

She smiles, slowly. "... I want to be with you on Christmas."

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't wanna be a burden."

"A burden?"

"Yeah. Veronica mentioned how hard it would be not to tell your mother about me. 'Cause you told her not to."

"That's because I want to tell her myself, Yemi." She looks relieved. "Mamas. You're not gonna be a burden, alright? I'll get you a flight."

"Are you sure?"

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have said it."

She nods. I hope that didn't come off harsh. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being you."

I swear shorty is smooth. "I can't see myself being any other way." I kiss her forehead. "So. Let's talk about Kaylin." I notice her eyes get big. This time I laugh. I guess she didn't think I peeped his game. I'm a man. I know how we think.


Veronica grabs her purse and heads out her front door. She runs outside and gets into the backseat of a Honda Accord.

She closes the door, looking up at Tevin in the driver seat and Jamie in the passenger. "What's up, y'all!"

"Wud up." They both respond before Tevin drives off.

"So, Sam really ditched us for his new girlfriend, huh?" Jamie asks while looking at something on his phone.

"Yep. Samuel's gotta girl, finally... And she's so good to him," Veronica sings in the tune of Chanté Moore's Chante's Got A Man song.

The guys laugh.

"You stupid, V," Tevin jokes. He reaches over to the audio system and turns the volume up.

Jamie turns his nose up at the song playing. "V, please tell this guy he has the worst taste in music."

"I actually like his music."

"Ah! Y'all both fired."

"Whatever, let me see your playlist." Veronica snatches Jamie's phone out of his hand.

"- If you don't give me my phone back..." Jamie tries to take it from her, but Veronica is too quick with her hands.

"What, you're embarrassed?" Veronica teases.

Tevin shakes his head, laughing at how silly they sound.

"Oh my gosh. Tevin, this guy has theme songs from old TV shows."

Tevin laughs harder. "Are you serious bro?"

"- Now, you're the one fired," Veronica barks at Jamie.

Jamie flips them both off, before tapping out. He slumps down in his seat, "Youngins."

"That's your comeback?" Tevin and Veronica let out the heartiest belly laugh.

Veronica glances down, noticing the screen flashing with an incoming call. The name Jaz appears on the screen. "Yo..." Veronica tries to catch her breath. "Somebody's calling you."

Jamie does a double take when Veronica shows him the phone screen. His face turns red before he yanks the phone out of her hand.

"Damn, that was aggressive as fuck. I was giving it back to you."

The seriousness in Veronica's voice cuts Tevin's laughter short. He looks over at Jamie turning off his phone. "What happened, man? You good?"

Jamie nods, nervously. Hoping Veronica didn't see the caller's name.

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