Chapter 11

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"Oooohh- I'm comin' baby. Don't stop, I'm comin'!"

He thrusts faster and faster until...

"Ahhhhhhhh!" She screams before he collapses on top of her.

"Damn, Jonathon. I needed that."

Jonathon reaches for the nightstand and grabs a joint. "You still have my lighter?"

"Yeah, it's in the kitchen," she responds, trying to catch her breath.

"Go get it."

"You have feet."

"And you wonder why I rather be at the casino," he mumbles before getting out of bed.

Briana mugs him as he walks out of the room. "All I know is you better have the rent tomorrow!"

"I thought you said Yemi gave it to you?" He yells out on his way to the kitchen.

Briana slips on her silky robe and rushes to follow him. "You really need to stop smoking that damn weed. You don't remember when I told you yesterday that I needed to use it?"

"You didn't tell me that shit. What the fuck did you need to use it for?!"

Briana sighs, annoyed at her forgetful husband. "Baby, I looked you dead in your face and told you I needed the money you won yesterday, because I used what Yemi gave me when I went to the emergency room."

"I told your ass to get fuckin' insurance. Now I gotta be responsible for your fuck up."

Briana raises an eyebrow in shock. "That weed gotta be laced. You're talking out your ass-"

Briana is cut off by Jonathon grabbing her throat and pushing her hard against the wall. "Watch how you talk to me," he seethes through gritted teeth.

Briana's eyes become watery as she tries to breathe through Jonathon's firm grip around her neck.

Jonathon notices the fear in her eyes, causing him to snap out of his anger. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. Baby, I'm so sorry." He wraps his arms around Briana, in an attempt to remedy the situation. "Look Bri. You need to bring Yemi back here until we're financially stable again."

Briana frowns, in shock of his resolution. She finds the strength to push Jonathon off her. "If you think for one minute I'm going to bring her ass back here after she tried to fuck you... you got another thing coming."

"Briana. I lied, alright."


"She didn't try to have sex with me. I just said that shit 'cause you were boring the shit out of me, and I needed some type of excitement."

Briana's eyes turn cold, staring at him in disbelief. She then runs up to him and kicks his groin, causing him to drop straight to the floor. He growls, "You bitch."

"Get the fuck out of my house! NOW!" Briana starts punching and kicking him, while Jonathon holds his crotch.

He lowers his head, blocking some of Briana's powerful hits. His anger starts to grow and he becomes impatient. He hauls Briana, slamming her body on the wall. Briana immediately loses consciousness.

"Wake your ass up!" He shakes Briana until she slowly opens her eyes. She looks around in a daze. "Don't ever put your hands on me again. I will fuck you up," Jonathon spews out. "Now get your ass up and find the rest of the rent." Jonathon leaves Briana there, fighting to regain her strength.


Yemi pulls up in front of the medical building, and sees Sam waiting for her. She examines the dirty work clothes she's wearing, and then shrugs. "Oh well." She hops out as Sam stands up from his wheelchair. "How did it go?"

"It was alright. He said I could use a crutch in about a week if I do everything I'm supposed to."

Yemi puts the wheelchair in the back, then goes to the driver side as Sam sits in the passenger seat, closing his door.

Yemi gets in, and looks over at him while clicking her seatbelt. "You have to do the same things, or he gave you more?"

Sam sighs. "I gotta stay at home for a week."

Yemi's jaw drops.

"Yeah, I know." He shakes his head, not liking the new order from his physical therapist. "Let's roll."

Yemi starts the engine, and then drives off. "Well good thing you're the boss. If I had to stay home, my boss would replace me."

"How's that going anyway? They must have you working long hours. I haven't really seen you since Monday night."

"Yeah, they needed someone for another job. So, I've been working both sites. I feel bad you've had to ride around with a driver for the past three days."

"You're here now."

Yemi smiles.

"So are the guys at work still treating you the same?"

Yemi smirks, then giggles. "Yes, Sam."

"When I get back on my feet, I'll be up there to see for myself."

"Is this how you are when you're dating someone?"

"Is that what you want?"


"For us to start dating?"

"I wasn't really thinking about it. I know you don't want a relationship."

"I want one with you."

Yemi blinks a few times, transfixed at his confession.

"After talking to you all night Monday, it's been hard trying to get you off my mind," Sam admits.

"Well... Umm, I did enjoy our conversation. A lot. But maybe we should just be friends. Besides, I don't know if my work schedule would allow us to really spend time together."

"We're roommates, we'll find time."

"Oh, umm, speaking of us being roommates... one of the guys told me about this apartment building they finished a couple of weeks ago. He's going to introduce me to management, so I can get approved and get the deposit waived."

"You know you don't have to move out anymore, right?"

"Well, that was our arrangement, so it's fine if we keep it that way."

Sam tries to hide his disappointment as he stares out the front window. Yemi senses Sam's change in demeanor as they ride in silence the rest of the way home.

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