Chapter 43

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After a few moments of staring at Jasmine, Sam drove off, not saying another word to her. He didn't even bother to look in the rearview mirror to see Jasmine's reaction. The only thing that was on Sam's mind was that he was starting to feel overwhelmed. He needed to quickly find a happy place, and he realized exactly where that would be.

Sitting in his parked G Wagon, Sam contemplates how he's going to convince Yemi to talk to him as he stares out of the window at her building. He then decides to do something he hasn't done in years... Pray. Sam goes to church every week, but he's never been the one to ask God for anything.

He bows his head, and silently asks for a sign letting him know if he should take the risk of being rejected or not. As soon as Sam lifts his head back up, his eyes land on a couple of kids walking their bikes down the walkway. He notices one of the bikes has a busted tire, and then an idea pops up in his head. "Aye," he calls out to the boys. They look in his direction and they nod inquisitively.

"How'd you bust your tire?"

One of the boys kisses his teeth, thinking back to how it happened. "Doing something my mom's gonna be pissed about."

"Why? 'Cause she's gotta come out of her pocket?"

"Yep," he says, shaking his head.

"How about this... I'll give you the money for it, if you knock on someone's door for me."

Both boys furrow their eyebrows in shock.

"You trynna rob 'em or something?"


The friend taps the boy and chuckles. "It's probably his girl, man. My sister is always kicking out her boyfriend."

They both laugh. "Damn. See that's why I don't want a girl. Too much drama."

"So we got a deal?" Sam asks.

"What if she doesn't open it?"

"I'll still give you the money."

"For real?"

Sam nods.

"Alright. Which apartment is it?"

Sam gets out of his truck and locks it. "Come." The boy follows Sam as his friend waits for him to return.

They walk up the stairs, and then Sam backs up against the corner, making sure Yemi doesn't see him through the peep hole or window.

The boy knocks and a few seconds later, the door opens revealing Yemi, wearing Sam's shirt that she used to wear when she lived with him, and some sweat pants. She's about to open her mouth to speak when she does a double take at Sam.

She shakes her head in disbelief while Sam pulls his wallet out, handing the kid a fifty dollar bill.

"Thanks man!" The boy smiles and runs off.

Yemi's mouth drops at the transaction while Sam puts his hand on the door, preventing Yemi from closing it. "Sam..." she sighs, not knowing what else to say.

"Fuck this break-up shit," Sam says to her calmly.


"What did you call me?" He asks heatedly.

Kaylin comes around the corner, and Sam looks like he's seen a ghost.

"I was calling for Kaylin," Yemi tells him before turning around to Kaylin. "I'll see you at work."

Sam scowls at Kaylin, upset to see him coming out of Yemi's home.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Yemi," Kaylin expresses to her, looking at Sam the whole time.

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