Chapter 18

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A vendor is showing Sam a catalogue of equipment for the new gym when someone knocks on the door. "Come in."

"Boss, there's a Yemi here to see you."

Sam glances at him, then does a hard double take, almost causing whiplash. "You said Yemi?"


Sam is speechless for a brief moment, while trying to get his thoughts together. "Alright. Send her in."

The employee leaves and seconds later Yemi walks in. They are both speechless at each other's sight. Sam has a mug on his face, so Yemi is not quite sure how to greet him. The vendor takes heed of the strong tension between the two.

"I'll go ahead and put these orders in, sir. Call me if you would like to add anything else."

Sam stands up with the vendor and shakes his hand before the vendor turns to leave, nodding at Yemi on his way out.

"Hi," Yemi finally speaks.

Sam puts his hands in his pants pocket, trying to play cool. "Hi."

"I just wanted to come see how you were doing."

"I'm good. How are you?"

She smiles, relieved of Sam's reciprocation. "I'm good. Honestly... your church referred a counselor to me. It was a much needed session."

"Like as in a therapist?"


"Everything's alright?"

"Yeah-yeah. I won't get into details, but I just needed to talk about how I felt on what my relatives did to my mother and me. I got tired of holding it in."

"Is that where you're coming from?"

She nods. "Do you have a minute?"

He nods back.

"I was telling the counselor how much I admire the relationship you and Veronica have. It eases my mind a little. Like, there's hope for breaking the toxic cycle with my own little family one day."

"I'm sure that'll happen for you. I believe it just starts with having a solid foundation. That's what my mom and pops had. That's what their parents had."

Yemi listens intensively. "Did things ever get bad between any of you?"

"Of course. But when family pisses you off, you hold each other accountable for that shit. Ain't no throwing shit under the rug or getting upset that someone calls you out on your bullshit. Just fix the problem and move on. My gramps was in the army, so he was a straight shooter. Then on my mom's side, they were the definition of having loyalty and respect. That's what V and me were raised on."

Yemi nods.

"Just remember that when you raise yours. You should be good."

"How would I know if it's working, though? Like, how would I know that my foundation is solid?"

"My mom told us one day that she knew my father was the one by how he responded to her crazy uncles trying to scare him off. They told him that my mom cut off her ex boyfriend's dick."

"Oh my gosh," Yemi reacts, laughing. "What was your dad's response?"

"He told them... Well whatever he did to get his shit cut off, I'm glad he did it, 'cause it led her straight to me."

She chuckles. "Nothing is gonna break the love he has for her, then."

"Nothing. Nothing at all. If your foundation isn't solid, everything you build from that falls. My pops' love has always been strong as shit for my mom." Sam nods as he reminisces.


"What's up?"

She hesitates for a second. "...When was the last time you were in a relationship?"

Sam is quiet for a moment. He then walks away to his desk and sits down. He stares at Yemi who is still standing in the same spot.

"Back in college. It actually was my first relationship."

"What? Really?"

He nods. "I wasn't trying to be in a relationship back in high school. I was cool with just having sex- no strings attached. But then Jasmine popped up. She was my tutor for this class we had together. I fell hard for her. The relationship lasted for about a year. Haven't dated since."

"Is she the reason why you're...?"

Sam chuckles, still holding his signature glare. "...Mean?"

"Yeah." She smiles shyly.

"... I caught her having sex with my team mate. I was supposed to go home for the summer, but my flight got delayed. So, I went back to my apartment I had on campus. I was letting her stay there because her dorm had already closed. So, when I came back she was there with him on my bed."

"Damn. I'm so sorry Sam."

"...I've been holding that shit in for too damn long."

"I'm glad you finally got that poison out of you. You haven't seen her since then, have you?"

"I saw her damn near every day until we graduated. She tried to get back with me for about a year. I ignored her ass the whole time- never said a word to her. Not even a fuck you. She had me on some fuck the world shit. My mom noticed how I had changed, so she eventually sent V to finish high school out here. To have family around me. I had to drag V away from fighting Jasmine when we ran into her one day. That was the last time I saw her."

"I never understood why people just don't break up with their person instead of cheating on them. I don't wish badly on anyone, but I strongly believe in Karma."

"I believe that. I remember you mentioned my Karma in your note."

"And I meant it. You're a great person."


"But nothing. Sam, I was hurting the last time we spoke. But I'm working on healing now. I would love for us to work on healing together."

His face finally softens.


"...By building a solid foundation." She smirks.

Sam drops his head as he blushes. "Smoooooth."

Yemi giggles, and then walks over to Sam. She wraps her arms around his upper body, hugging him tightly. Sam hesitates before slightly hugging her back with one arm.

After a few moments..."Alright that's enough." Sam tries to pry her off him.

"This is going to be a long journey." Yemi slowly releases her embrace as Sam chuckles, playfully mushing her face.

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