Thank You

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A/N: I figured I should just create a section for this, since a lot of y'all skip over my notes at the end of the chapters. 😏

I'll be ending this story very soon, so I want to THANK every reader who's been rockin' with me.  If you've voted, commented, and/or shared, THANK YOU so much for making me smile! 💕

In addition, I am adapting this story into a TV drama, and will be shooting the pilot episode soon!!!! 😊

Last, THANK YOU to those who started reading 'Heart Missed a Beat', and voted and commented, too.  I pour so much into my books, so it's dope to see there's appreciation and interest in my work. 
I'm not sure, yet, how often I will update Veronica's story.  It may depend on the readers.

Anyhoo... Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!  See you in the next chapter. ✌🏾

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