Chapter 14

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Sam is at his gym, bench pressing aggressively. Sweat covers his face as he breathes through clenched teeth. He pushes hard on his last lift, releasing a loud growl. He puts the weight on its resting place, and then lays there thinking for a moment.

After wiping his face with his towel, he grabs his crutches and walks past everyone towards his office. His employees watch him with concern in their eyes.

"Yo boss, you alright man?"

"Get back to work," Sam fires back before entering his office.

He sits down, pulls out his phone, and then FaceTime's Veronica. She answers on the last ring as she walks through her nail salon towards her office.

"What's up Sam?" She says dryly.

"Yo, did you know she was moving out yesterday?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"She didn't want me to."

"V, I'm your fuckin' cousin."

"Okay. So what's the real problem here?"

"Yo, you've been acting real funny style since you came back."

Veronica rolls her eyes at him. "Sam, I'm at work. I have to go." She ends the call.

Sam's eyes get big, shocked at Veronica's dismissal. He calls her right back.


"You're hanging up on me now? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I don't have time for this Sam. I have my own shit to worry about." She mean-mugs him and then tilts her head in annoyance.

"One of your dudes pissed you off? Just let me know who I gotta roll up on," he says in an overly protective tone.

Veronica tries to hide her tight lipped smile as her face softens at his big brother instinct. "I'm good cousin. I'll call you later okay?"

He contemplates before nodding. "A'ight."

"Now say goodbye before I hang up on you again." Her smile widens just before Sam abruptly ends the call.

Veronica's jaw drops before she chuckles. "Fucker."


Myra, the new receptionist at Yemi's job, is watching a movie on the computer monitor when Briana enters the office. Myra clicks Pause and smiles brightly at Briana.

"Good morning. How can I help you?"

Briana stops in her tracks, realizing Yemi is not in the chair. "Where's Yemi?"

"Yemi? She's not here. Do you have a message I can relay to her?"

"Is she on her break or something?"

Myra tilts her head, wondering if it's okay to share information. "Well..."

"I'll just wait in the car until she comes back."

"Oh-umm, okay."

As soon as Briana leaves, Myra picks up the office phone and calls Yemi.


Yemi is in the middle of digging gravel when she sees her phone light up inside of the cup holder. She ignores it as she continues to work.

Once she finishes one part of her task, she picks up her phone and notices the voicemail notification from the number saved under WORK. Her eyebrows furrow as she listens to the voicemail.

She calls the number back. "Hey Myra, I just heard your message. Did you get her name?"

"Hi Yemi. No, but I saw she had a tattoo on her left wrist."


"Do you want me to give her your location?"

"No! I mean no, please don't. I have no idea why she's there. Can you please tell her to leave? Actually, I'll call her myself. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Oh Myra?"


"You did good. Never give anyone any information without permission."

Myra smiles at herself proudly. "Oh good. Thanks."

"Have a great day."

"You, too."

"Thanks. Bye."

Yemi ends the call, shaking her head. She doesn't want to talk to Briana, but she definitely needs to let Briana know not to come to her place of employment.

She takes a deep breath before blocking her own number and calling Briana.


The YouTube video on Briana's phone freezes before an Unknown Caller appears on her screen. She rejects the call. Seconds later, the call comes through again. She sighs, and then decides to answer it. "Who is this?"

Yemi opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

"Stop playing on my fuckin' phone."


"Yemi?" Briana glares at her phone. "It makes sense now why I couldn't get through to you. You changed your number?"

"Why are you at my job?"

"I obviously need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"I need your help."

Yemi laughs hysterically. "This is a joke, right?"

Briana sighs, rolling her eyes. "Look. I know you didn't try anything with Jonathon. So we're good now."

Yemi frowns. "Is this your way of apologizing?"

"No need for the attitude. Just wanted to let you know, if you don't have a place to stay, you can come back."

"You must be high."

"You're starting to piss me off. Are we gonna start over and do things right, or no?"

"Briana, you left me for broke. You threw my shit out over someone I had to fight off me every day. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Wait. So he tried to have sex with you?"

"Goodbye Bria-"

"Wait, Yemi! I'm going to get evicted!"

"There it is. You're trying to get more money out of me. You must think I'm pretty stupid. We might be related but we are no longer family. You and Jonathon put me through hell, and I will never forgive you for that."

"Your mother would roll in her grave, if she knew you were being disloyal to family."

Yemi's eyes instantly turn dark and cold. "Keep my mother out of your mouth. And stay the fuck away from me," Yemi stresses through gritted teeth before quickly ending the call.

Yemi slides the goggles up from her eyes, and then swiftly wipes her tear, using her wrist.

A construction worker jogs up to Yemi's excavator. "Hardwick! We got work to do."

Yemi hastily straightens herself up. "I know that. I'm ready- Let's go." The guy nods before jogging back to his station as Yemi starts up her machine like nothing ever happened.

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