Chapter 37

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Sam's POV

"What happened?" V asks.

"Jamie has something important to tell me. He wants to talk about it before church on Sunday."

"Wait... Will told you that?"

I just nod, not really in the mood to tell her how he got involved.

"Why couldn't Jamie just tell you himself?"

"He did text me, asking me to call him. I just didn't know it was that important."

"Okay, so he should've told you with some urgency then. Now he got somebody in the middle of it, causing more mess. I'm so glad I don't have to see him anymore. He's so childish."

"Damn, you're really done with him like that?"

"That was your friend, not mine. I just made the mistake of hanging out with him too many times."

This girl... I can't help but to laugh. But I do agree he was wrong for the things he said to her, and for not going to her going-away party. I just don't think cutting him off is going to resolve anything. I just say take a break from his ass like I'm doing, right now.

I hear the bathroom door open, and then turn around to see my baby coming out. "What's up, beautiful?"

"Hey." She says dry as shit, walking towards me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired." She buries her head in my chest as she wraps her arms around my waist. I kiss the top of her head before remembering what she told me about V this morning. I look at my cousin who's looking at me, and realize there's some low-key tension between them.

"What's up with you two? The vibe in here switched up mad quick."

"You told me I should talk to Yemi, so that's what we did."

"So what was the conclusion? 'Cause I'm not feeling this, right now."

Yemi moves her head to look at V with her arms still wrapped around me.

"Well, do you still want to keep your distance from me?" V asks her.

I look down at Yemi in shock. "That's what you told her?"

She nods.

"Damn, ma."

"Yeah, I was shocked, too," V added.

"I admit that was a little dramatic. But I appreciate you hearing me out," Yemi confesses.

"Of course, Yemi. Even though you threw away our best friend title, you're still mine," V tells her, smiling.

Damn, a lot of shit was said in the short amount of time I was gone. I knew Yemi was feeling some type of way -- I was too -- but I had no idea she was that bothered.

She stops hugging me, breaking me from my thoughts. "Well... I'm gonna take a nap, right now," she says with a tight lipped smile. Either she's that tired or she's hiding how she really feels. She never smiles like that. But I'll talk to her later about it.

"Do you wanna hang out after?" I hear V ask her.

"Yeah, we can." She gives me a quick peck on the lips before walking off.

"That's all I get? I haven't seen you in like 3 hours, ma."

"Oh my gosh. I forgot how annoying you two are." Now she knows how I feel when she volunteers information about her sex life.

Yemi spins around, smiling. "I'm sorry, my love." She jumps on her tippy toes, and then grabs my face before giving me a much better kiss. "I missed you, too, handsome," she says giving me her real smile. That smile always sends me into a deep thought. Honestly, everything about her does. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone.

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