Chapter 27

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Sam's POV

Waking up to an alarm is fuckin' wack. I'm sure she can sense that's how I'm feeling, by how hard I just sighed. Damn, man. What time is it anyway?

"Are you awake?" I haven't looked at her yet, but her just-waking-up voice is so damn sexy. I feel her leaning over me, and then our eyes meet. She giggles. "Good morning, grumpy old man." I just look at her, not saying a word... too damn tired. I thought it was just because V would come to my house waking me up in the morning, talking about nothing. But nah... now I see I'm just not a morning person.

"Should I leave you alone?" Still not saying anything, I shake my head. "Can I ask you something?"

I clear my throat, sitting up, slowly, to get a better look at her.

"I don't want to be a nagger. But you told me I should tell you when something bothers me. So, here I am..."

"That's not nagging."

"Okay." She smiles. She's so beautiful. That will never get old to me. "So, I noticed you pushed me away when I tried to cuddle with you while you were sleep. Is that something I need to get used to, or do you think you'll ever be okay with me doing that?"

One thing people don't understand is that when you get fucked over at a young age, it kills something inside of you, and it's hard to bring it back alive after so many years of just leaving that shit buried. It's like you have to re-learn it again. But if that's what'll make her happy... I have no problem with starting over. She's definitely worth that. "I'll work on it."

"I don't want you to feel obligated, though."

"You don't know by now, that I would never do anything I don't wanna do?"

She smirks, looking away from me.

"Look at me... Just like you, I've only been in one relationship. I gave my all in that, and it wouldn't be right if I didn't do that with you. You deserve that. I meant what I said the other day when I said I got you."

"... I love you." She gasps, immediately, covering her mouth in shock of her revelation. Shit, I'm in shock myself. She jumps out of bed. "I have to get ready for work." And with the speed of light, she disappears to the bathroom.


Sam's POV

Standing at the front door of Veronica's townhouse, I can hear the loud music blasting from inside. The door swings open, and V is grinning hard like a big ass kid. I walk past her, shaking my head.

"So, did you say it back?" She asks me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yemi told me she slipped the L word out."

I stop in my tracks after seeing a bunch of moving boxes everywhere. "What is this?" I look at her, confused as shit.

"Don't try to change the subject, Sam. But the boxes are what I wanted to talk to you about." A look of guilt appears on her face.

"I'm not changing the subject. She ran away before I could even respond. And why is your face telling me you're up to something?'

"She was probably scared, Sam. Do you love her back? Or do you think she's jumping into shit?"

"You didn't answer my last question. And did she tell you to ask me that?"

"Damn, how do you know that? And I'll answer that question once we're done with this subject."

"'Cause that jumping into shit doesn't sound like you. Tell her to ask me herself. So answer my damn question, V. What the fuck are you doing with these boxes?"

Veronica sighs, getting comfortable on the couch.

"...Sam. I'm moving back home."

Wait, what? I have so many thoughts right now, but none of that shit is coming out of my mouth.

"Sam?" She stands back up, walking towards me as I stand here trying to get my shit together. "Sam, say something."

I don't know what to say. I thought she was joking when she talked about it on Thanksgiving. I'm really trying to speak, right now. But what can I really say?

A look of worry appears on her face. "Okay, so I can't tell what you're thinking. But I thought since you have Yemi, now, it would be a perfect time for me to go back."

Damn, she was really worried about me after all these years? Was I that fucked up?

"Sam, talk to me, damnit."

"... You weren't happy here?"

She wraps her arms around me. "These past ten years have been the greatest years of my life. And you made that possible."

"Then why are you leaving?"

She removes her arms, and steps back, looking at me with teary eyes. I've never seen her look sad before. Ever. "'Cause I think you're good now, and I just need to move on."

"V, what's going on with you? Is there something going on out there, I need to know about?"

"What? No, what? What makes you think that?"

"I'm just trying to figure you out, right now. This change is sudden."

"I just- I think... I would thrive more in New York. That's all."

"... Alright. I respect that. Does Yemi know?"

"No, not yet. That one is kinda hard for me."

"Yeah I bet. I'm proud of you for even opening up to a friendship. So, do you need me to take over for the housewarming party?"

"No, I'm still going to do that. That's what friends do. We make shit work."

I pat her on the back, before walking towards the boxes. "You need help with anything?" She snaps out of her thoughts before making her way over to me.


Jamie is on his lunch break at work, talking on his phone. "That's a horrible idea. He's not going to take that too well."

He listens to the voice on the other end.

"That's bad enough as it is. Now, you wanna do this?"

Whatever the other person is saying, it's definitely not sitting right with him.

"The answer is no. That's it. I don't wanna hear shit else about it. Goodbye."

He ends the call, slamming his phone onto the table.

"You give people an inch, and they take a damn mile," he vents out to himself.  

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