Chapter 28

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Yemi is driving when her phone rings. She glances at the air vent where the phone sits inside of a mount. Sam's name appears on the screen. She sighs warily before accepting the FaceTime call.

Sam's face appears, and Yemi smiles nervously while focusing on the road. "Hi."

"What's up, ma? You're off work?"

"Yes. On my way home now."

He nods. "So are you gonna tell me why you ran away from me this morning?"

"... You know why," she responds quietly, keeping her eyes straight ahead.

"Well, I don't like that," he says straightforward and to the point.

She does a double take at the phone. "Don't like what?"

"You running away from me. Don't do that. What happened to the Yemi I first met that told me to give her face back when she caught me staring?"

She breaks into a smile.

He stares at her, really looking for an answer. "I'll wait."

She sighs. "She's right here, Sam."

"Shit. Show me then. 'Cause that Yemi would've never dipped out like you did this morning. That Yemi would've been too confident for that."

"Okay... okay." She rolls her eyes playfully.

He shrugs. "I'm just sayin'"

"Anyway... I missed you, today."

He smirks. "I missed you, too. Come over."

"I'll come after I go home and take a shower."

"Take a shower here."

"I don't have any clothes there."

"You don't need any."

She chuckles softly. "... I'm on my way."



Yemi is at Veronica's station, getting her last couple of nails polished. Yemi keeps glancing at Veronica, noticing how deep in thought she is and how she's avoiding eye contact with her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"If you don't stop asking me that..." Veronica responds sarcastically.

"I'll stop asking you when you stop avoiding the question."

Veronica pauses, finally looking up at Yemi. "Oh my gosh, you sound just like your boyfriend." She chuckles.

"No, I don't."

"Yemi that is definitely some shit he would've said. Word for word. And you know it."

Yemi grins. "Anyway, what's really going on with you, Veronica? I tell you when something is wrong with me. You can't do the same?"

Just as Veronica opens her mouth to speak, a nail tech approaches them. "Alright V, I'm out. The party starts at 8, right?"

Veronica scowls at the technician, and then looks back at Yemi who is furrowing her eyebrows.

"My bad." The technician gives her an apologetic look before waving goodbye and leaving out.

"I'm confused."

"I know. And I apologize."

"For what? For not telling me you're having a party? Or for you not inviting me?"

"I apologize for... having to tell you- I won't be coming back with you and Sam, next month."

"Okay... soooo you're going to stay longer? But what does that have to do with your party?"

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