Chapter 15

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Yemi gets out of her parked car and walks a few houses down. She pulls her phone out and texts Kaylin.

Yemi: I'm here

Kaylin: Coming

As soon as Yemi turns up a walkway, the front door of the house opens. Kaylin hops out and grins when his eyes connect with Yemi's. They meet halfway, and hug for almost too long. Yemi clears her throat as they awkwardly release their embrace. "Hi."

"Hey. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for inviting me."

"I'm glad you decided to come. My mom's been asking about you, too. You ready to eat?"

She nods as a fervent smile sweeps across her face, showcasing her lonely dimple. Kaylin chuckles at her enthusiasm.

"Come on." He leads her into the house, where loud chatter is heard throughout the entire two-story home.

Yemi smiles at everyone she walks by as Kaylin leads her to the kitchen.


Yemi smiles at the familiar voice. "Hi Ms. Joyce."

Joyce comes around from the island and pulls Yemi into a welcoming hug. "Let me introduce you to everyone. Kaylin, make her a plate. We'll be back."

Kaylin shakes his head and chuckles. "How you gon' steal my friend, ma?"

"Boy, just do what I told you to do." She links her arm with Yemi's before leading her to a room filled with active family members.

"Hey y'all, listen up!" Everyone instantly becomes silent. "I want y'all to meet Kaylin's friend Yemi."

In unison, everyone responds, "Hey Yemi!"

Yemi is taken aback by the amount of love in everyone's voice. "Hi," she says shyly.

"Make sure y'all take care of her. Kaylin thinks very highly of her."

Yemi does a double take at Joyce after hearing her revelation.


Sam and Veronica exit an airplane and stride into the airport. They walk past a sign that reads: Aeropuerto Internacional Las Américas.

"Fifty bucks, she tries to get me to stay."

"I hope she does."

Veronica gasps before playfully punching Sam's shoulder. Sam smirks.


A car drops them off at a colorful house. As soon as Sam raises his fist to knock on the door, the door swings open and Liliana appears, yanking Sam into a tight embrace. Sam chuckles. "Damn Ma, you missed me that much?"

"You need to start visiting me more."

"Ma, I see you every holiday."

"That's not enough."

"Maybe we should just move back to New York," Veronica chimes in.

"Correction... you should move back to New York." Sam kisses his mother's forehead before entering the home.

"Keep saying that, Sam. You're gonna end up being alone." Veronica stares at Liliana for a brief moment before hugging her. "How're you doing, auntie?"

Liliana nods, not really wanting to talk about her health. "I would love it if you really did move back home."

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