Chapter 33

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Yemi finishes moisturizing her skin with her leg propped up on the bathroom sink. She brings her leg down and immediately feels the soreness. "I really need to work out," she says to herself, slightly chuckling at what occurred last night. It was her first time going down on someone, and she doesn't regret it one bit.

She flips the front of her Butterfly Locs and reaches over to the end of the counter, grabbing the large Ziploc bag full of hair accessories. She pulls a bobby pin out and sticks it in her hair, securing the locs to one side. She smiles in the mirror loving how quick and easy it is to style it. Grateful that Veronica took her to a hairstylist in the Bronx yesterday as a Christmas gift.

One thing Yemi has learned from staying in the hotel with Sam this past week is that there is no way she can manage her natural hair properly with the amount of sex they have. It was a headache combing and flat ironing it, and she knew it wasn't healthy to apply excessive heat in her hair every day.

Taking one last look at her hair, she applies gloss on her lips before grabbing the bathrobe off the door's hook and slipping it on. She heads to the bedroom closet and skims through her hanging clothes. She sighs, not sure what to wear on this special day.

"Sammie!" She calls out for him.

"What's up?" Eyes glued to the email he's drafting.

"What are you wearing?"

He glances at his sweater, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"What are you wearing? I wanna match you."

He looks towards the bathroom and chuckles softly. "Come look."


"Come out here and look."

"...Here I come." Yemi slips on her panties before walking out of the room. She picks up the unlit candles off the floor on her way to Sam. "Hopefully you didn't get too dressed up, because I don't think I-" She stops in her tracks and gasps when she reaches the living area. Sam observes her face, smiling at her shocked expression.

Yemi glances at all the gifts and the tree before a smile forms on her face. "Babyyyyyy."

"Merry Christmas, ma." He puts his phone on the side table before standing up.

Yemi embraces his neck tightly. "Mamas, you're cutting off my circulation," he says in between laughs. Yemi loosens her grip before holding his face and looking deep into his eyes.

"All of these are for me?"

He nods. "Since you won't let me spoil you any other day, I figured I can get away with it on Christmas."

"I won't fight that," she says, grinning.

She smashes her lips on his before separating their bodies.

"Open the biggest one first."

"Okay." She picks up the biggest present and sits next to Sam. "Wait, did you take a picture of this set up?"

He picks his phone up and opens the camera. "Kneel down in front of the tree."

And she does just that. Looking like a kid opening up her new toy on Christmas morning. Sam chuckles and takes the picture. "You're something else."

"Whaaat?" She asks innocently. She grabs his phone and sits on his lap, positioning the phone for a selfie. "This'll be our first picture together." She holds the gift up with her other hand, making sure it's in the frame. Sam nibbles on her ear as Yemi snaps the photo. "Aww." She shows it to him. "You like it?"

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