Chapter 57

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Sam stands in front of his employees with the meanest mug on his face.  "If I have to shut this gym down, I will."  He shakes his head at the thought.  Closing down permanently is something he doesn't want to do, but will do to protect his business.  "I know for most of you this is your first real job, but y'all gotta use the same common sense y'all use to stay out of trouble on the streets, to not do dumb shit here."

"Other employers would've fired y'all already.  Unless that's what y'all want.  Is that what y'all want? Y'all want me to fire y'all?"

"No sir!"  The employees say in unison.

"Then act like it.  The next time I see anyone touching or flirting with any of my guests, I'm letting you go- on sight."  Sam examines everyone's facial expression.  "When I said to be professional, I meant that shit." 

Sam walks over to a stack of papers at the front desk.  "These contracts go more into detail of what I just said to y'all.  It also gives you information about the cameras I'll be installing soon, and the consequence for breaking this contract.  Which is termination- without pay."  He hands the contracts to the employee closest to him.  "Take one and pass 'em," he announces.  "I need these read and signed before we open the gym, this morning."  He looks down at his watch.  "Y'all got 20 minutes."

Sam turns around and starts walking towards his office.  "Terry, bring yours into my office," he says without looking back.  All the other guys snap their necks to face Terry, as if they've already heard what happened with Yemi.  Judging by Terry's body language, he definitely thought he had gotten away with what he did yesterday.  He shakes his head before following Sam into his office.


Sam sits on top of his desk right next to the guest chairs, clasping his hands together on his lap.  Terry closes the door behind him and then sits in one of the guest chairs.  "Boss man, I really did not know she was your woman."

"You got a sister?  Or daughter?"

"A daughter."

"How old is she?"

"10, why?"

"If she was an adult, and a man said the shit you said to my wife.  What would you think about that?"

"The only thing I said to her was that she was pretty and that she was playing hard to get.  I don't see anything wrong with that, if I didn't know who she was."

"So you didn't say anything about her ass and how you can use your magical hands on her, or some shit like that?"

Terry breathes out, recollecting yesterday's events.  "...I did.  My bad.  But I didn't touch her or call her out of her name.  There was no disrespect intended."

"Would it be disrespect if it was your daughter?"

Terry slumps his shoulders in defeat.  "...Yeah.  It would."

"I suggest you start thinking about your daughter, the next time you even begin to open up your mouth.  That might save you from a lawsuit."

"Alright boss man, I get it.  It won't happen again."

"To make sure it won't happen again.  You have two weeks to get your mental together."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're suspended."

"Suspended?!"  Terry asks, incredulously.

Sam stands up, and shakes his head at Terry.

"Am I at least getting paid for those two weeks?"

"Are you a charity case?"  Sam asks, sarcastically.

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