Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

I wheel myself off the elevator, and out of my residential building. It's sunny this morning, but cold as shit for California. My mom would probably pop me if she heard me complaining about this weather, though.

My truck pulls up to the curb, and Yemi comes out of the driver's side. I immediately frown when I see her outfit.

"Good morning Sam."

"Wud up."

She opens the passenger door for me as I examine the loose jeans, grey long sleeve shirt and neon yellow vest she's wearing. I look down, and see old ass Timbs on her feet. Where did she get those, and why is she dressed like this? Halloween is not for another four weeks.

After we get settled into the car, I look her up and down again. "Yooo." She looks at me as she starts the car. "What's up with this?" I point at her, from head to toe.

She laughs. "It's my work attire."

"What kind of work has you dressing like this?"


My mind goes blank for a moment. "As in digging up dirt, and building shit?"

"Is that hard to believe?"

"Yeah. What was your position before you got promoted?"

"Receptionist. For 2 years. The most boring job ever." She looks out the window, and then pulls out into the street.

I would've never guessed that as her profession. Now that I think about it, I've never seen a woman in construction before. "Are you the only woman there?"

"Yeah. But they see me like one of the boys. They're the reason I have these clothes on. I was all worried about what to wear, so they told me about the sale Goodwill had on Friday. Everything was under $3. I couldn't miss that deal."

"What were you wearing when you were at the front desk?"

"Jeans and regular shirts."

"They were loose, too?"

Yemi chuckles. " No. They were more fitted."

"If you wore anything fitted, they definitely weren't looking at you as one of the boys."

She looks surprised at my words.

"You sound like a jealous boyfriend, right now. But I know that can't be it. Because the Sam I know wouldn't even care. I'm surprised you're even talking to me this long."

Anyway. "So, how old are you?"

"Diverting I see. 28. You?"


"Oh, that's why you're a grump. You're getting old."

I chuckle. That was actually kind of funny. "Turn right here."

She turns right at the light, and a few feet later she pulls up to my gym. She gets out, and grabs the wheelchair in the back. I open the door as she brings it up, and this time I allow her to help me climb out. She smiles like that just made her day. "Why are you smiling so hard?"

"Because you're letting me help you. Veronica would be so proud."

I shake my head, knowing if Veronica was here she would definitely blow this shit out of proportion. "I'll get a ride home. So, don't worry about me."

"You sure?"

I nod as I make my way up to the front door.

"Oh wait."

I'm unlocking the gym door as she runs back to the truck. She pulls something small out of the back seat.

"Here's your lunch."


"I didn't really know what you liked. So, I gave you some options. You have a microwave in there, right?"

I nod, skeptically opening up the bag. I look inside and this woman has made rotisserie chicken, grilled steak strips, grilled asparagus and grilled zucchini. When did she even cook all of this?

Yo, I can't even front on her anymore.

"Is that okay?" She asks, worried.

"It's more than okay." Suddenly, something takes over me as I stand up, leaning on the door knob in front of her.

"Wait, what are you doing? Be careful."

I take her hand, and pull her close to me. I kiss her cheek passionately, and then thank her.

I snap out of her spell, and realize what I just did. I let go of her hand and sit back down in my wheelchair as she watches me in shock. We're both speechless. I go inside as she rushes back to the truck.


Today was a long day at work. I couldn't train anyone, so I decided to audit everything in my office and go over work performances with my employees. I guess this injury was a blessing in disguise. I got everything done that I haven't had time to do in the past year.

I get outside to my driver, and when I pull myself out of the wheelchair, my leg feels like it's on fire.

When I get home, I see Yemi asleep on the couch with my shirt on. I turn the TV off, and I guess the lack of noise wakes her up. She immediately looks down at my leg. "It's swollen." She sits up and looks at it harder. "Did you elevate it?" I shake my head no.

"Sammmm. You can't let it get worse. Come here."

"What are you about to do?"

"Just come here."

I roll up to her, and she gently puts my leg on top of hers. She starts massaging my leg, and this shit feels so damn good.

"I didn't make you feel uncomfortable this morning, did I?"

She blushes. "No. I like when you open up."

"Is that right?"

She nods.

"You're so fuckin' beautiful."

She blushes harder.

"I apologize for trying to push you away."

"So does that mean you're never going to be an asshole to me again?"

I nod.

"Then I forgive you."

"Give me your foot."

She props my leg up on the couch, and then puts her foot on my good leg. I lift her foot up, and massage it a bit before sucking on her toes. She throws her head back, definitely thrown off guard.

"You are so perfect," I say to her, causing us both to stare into each other's souls. Damn, I can't believe I'm feeling her like this.

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