Chapter 13

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Kaylin pulls up to Sam's building. Yemi takes off her seat belt, and starts to open the door. "Thank you so much for helping me Kaylin. I appreciate you."

"No problem. It was good being around you, outside of work."

Yemi smiles, and then opens the door.

"Wait. If you don't have any plans tomorrow, let's do Sunday dinner."

"Umm, I don't know."

"Did I mention my mom and aunts will be doing all the cooking? It's like a scene out of Soul Food at Big Momma's house."

"Well, since you put it that way... what time should I get there?" They laugh at her change of heart.

"I can pick you up around 4?"

"I'll have a ride. Just text me the address?"

"For sure." They exchange a quick hug.

Yemi gets out of the car just as Tevin and Jamie walk up to the building, holding pizza boxes. They catch a glimpse of Kaylin in the truck.

"Yemi, what's up?!" They both greet her.

"Oh-hey. Umm." She quickly closes the door, hoping they didn't see Kaylin. "What are y'all doing here?"

"We can't kick it with our boy?" Jamie teases.

She lets out a nervous laugh. "Of course you can. Well, who am I to even say you can?" She rushes over to the keypad next to the entrance. She enters her code, granting her access. The guys follow her inside and look at each other in confusion, wondering why Yemi is being awkward.

They enter the elevator. "So is Sam treating you alright? I know he can come off as an asshole sometimes, but he doesn't mean any harm."

She shrugs. "How long have you guys been friends?"

"For some years now. Met back in college," Jamie replies.

"Was he the same then?"

"Nah. Not before his third year."

"What happened in his third year?"

"That's something he'll have to tell you himself."

"Well, I don't think-". The elevator doors open, distracting Yemi's thoughts.

"Ladies first..." Tevin motions for Yemi to exit.

Yemi walks out of the elevator before approaching the loft. She enters it and immediately sees Sam exiting his bedroom. She ignores his presence as she strides past him.

"Yemi..." He watches her ignore him as she enters her room.  She quickly shuts the door and Sam shakes his head before making his way to his friends.

"Damn, bro. What did you do to her?" Jamie jokes.

"I knew it was too good to be true. For a second, I really thought you were gonna take a shot at love," Tevin jokes.

"How about y'all kick rocks?" Sam snatches a pizza box from Jamie and wheels himself to the living room.

"Does that mean I can't ask you who the guy is that dropped her off?"

Sam mean-mugs Jamie.

"Dawg, you stupid for that," Tevin starts to playfully slap box Jamie.

"What kind of car was it?"


Sam quickly stands up out of his wheelchair, and hobbles to Yemi's door. His friends try to stop him, but fail.

Sam barges into Yemi's room while she's undressing. She screams as she tries to cover herself. Sam's anger is placed on hold, briefly captivated by Yemi's beautiful body.

"What are you doing?! You just can't come in here without knocking! And why are walking around?! Where is your wheelchair?" Yemi notices Sam's daze, and starts to blush.

"Sam..." Yemi claps her hands, bringing him out of his trance.

He turns his face while he clears his throat. "Let me know when you're dressed." He starts to leave.

"What do you want Sam?"

He slowly stops in his tracks, but doesn't look at Yemi. "I thought I told you I didn't want random men at my place?"

Yemi sucks her teeth. "Your friends couldn't wait to tell you, huh? I can't have people dropping me off? What are they supposed to do? Drop me off down the street?" She asks sarcastically.

"Catch an Uber."

She sighs. "Sam. Just leave."

He quickly turns around and looks into her eyes. "I'll leave after you tell me why you're giving these clowns a chance and not me."

"I'm not dating anyone, Sam! He works with me. I had to go to the apartments today. I told you yesterday he was going to help me with the process."

"How'd he say bye to you?"

"Sam, stop."

"What about the other guy, from that night you went out with V? Did he get your number? Have you seen him since then?"

Yemi shakes her head, losing her patience.

"Answer me, and I'll leave you alone."

"I told you. I'm not dating anyone. And if I was, I really don't have to tell you. We're not even friends, Sam."

He limps towards her.

"Sam, stop moving! You're gonna mess up your leg!"

He grabs her waist, pulling her closer to him. Yemi melts at his touch. "If we're not friends, then why do you give a fuck about my leg?"

Yemi looks down shyly.

"Why the fuck do you care, Yemi?"

He cups her chin and gently lifts up her face. "Speak," his low deep voice demanding her.

"I can't be with you Sam. I just- I can't."

Sam searches her eyes, and can tell there's something deeper holding her back. He drops his hand and turns to leave.

"I don't want you cooking for me anymore. And make sure you use V's car from now on."

Yemi's shoulders drop as his last words sting her.



Sam comes out of his room using crutches. He walks to the kitchen and sees a note on the island with a few hundred dollar bills next to it.


Thank you for renting the room to me. It was definitely more comfortable than sleeping in my car.

Take care of yourself. Hopefully your karma for helping me is you finding your happiness.


Sam goes into Yemi's room and sees no trace of her in the closet or bathroom. He plops down on the bed, eyes glued to her note.

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