Chapter 8

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"No, no.  You're going to have to find someone else to help him.  An hour is one thing.  But for two weeks?  No ma'am."  Yemi grabs her plate of food and heads to her room.  Veronica is right on her tail.

"Come on Yemi. He's really just a big 'ol teddy bear once you get to know him."

"How long is it gonna take for that teddy bear to come out?  I've been here for a week already, and he hasn't even said hi to me."

"Let me just talk to him."

"There is no talking to that man.  I literally wake up at the crack of dawn every morning to catch the earliest bus possible, just so that I can avoid him avoiding me.  You know how early that is, right?  The crack of-"  She cuts herself off, and looks around in thought.

"What?  What's wrong?"

"Shit.  Shit, shit, shit."

"What?"  Veronica drags out, expressing her concern.

"I didn't think about how I was getting to the worksite on Monday.  I can't catch the bus, 'cause it's in the middle of nowhere.  And payday is not until Friday, so I can't take an Uber."  She starts pacing in front of Veronica.  "Damn.  I won't be able to take this job."

"Oooooorrrrr..." Veronica grins.  Yemi looks at her skeptically, not sure if she wants to hear what's on Veronica's mind.  "You can use my car while I'm away... but you would have to take Sam to work."

Yemi thinks for a moment before she responds.  "I don't have any gas money, so that won't work."

Veronica reaches into her purse and quickly hands Yemi a few twenty dollar bills.  "Anything else?"

"Veronica, I can't-"

"I'll talk some sense into him.  Trust me; I'm the only one he listens to."

"Well... let me know what he says."

Veronica smiles, and then walks out on a mission.


She knocks on Sam's door, and a few moments later, he opens it.  "What?"

"Let's talk."  Veronica strides in, not waiting for his response.  You can tell she means business.

"Don't come in here with no bullshit."  He closes the door before wheeling himself to his dresser and grabbing the TV's remote control.

"Yemi's gonna use my car while I'm gone, so she can take you to work."

"No need.  I'll have a driver to come get me."


"End of conversation."  Sam responds bluntly as he flips the channels on the TV.

Veronica sighs as her patience starts to wear off.  She snatches the remote from Sam and turns the TV off.  "Samuel, I am getting really sick of this shit.  It's been 10 years.  Let it go."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Jasmine.  I'm talking about you not letting go of what Jasmine did to you.  She's probably somewhere happily married, while you're over here taking your anger out on everyone who cares for you."

"You can go home, now," he responds, casually.

"Why do you want me to go home?  'Cause I'm speaking the truth?"

"Because I'm tired of looking at your ass, that's why.  You never fuckin' listen.  That's why my leg is all cut up now.  If you didn't beg me to go up there after I told you I didn't wanna go, that shit would've never happened.  Then I got that damn girl living here, because your ass wouldn't find someone else to take her drunk ass home."

Veronica looks appalled.  She can't believe he's blaming her for everything.

"What?  Cat got your tongue?  That's the first.  You never know when to shut up.  That's my fault though.  I shouldn't've told you what Jasmine did.  Maybe you wouldn't've followed me out here and you could've kept your ass in New York."

"If you would've just let me fight that bitch, I would've went back home instead of staying to make sure you were emotionally okay.  But you don't fuckin' listen.  Where do you think I get that shit from?  But the difference between you and me is that I'm not fuckin' bitter."

Damn.  That hit Sam a little different.  He's too mad to admit that Veronica is right.  So he stays silent. 

Veronica starts to feel bad for her bluntness.  Her face softens before she hugs him.  "I apologize."

Sam still doesn't say anything.  He doesn't even force Veronica to get off of him.

"I'm going to say one last thing, and then I'll shut up."  She stands up and briefly stares at him, apologetically.  "I know you're trying to control what happens in your life, but it seems like you blocking Yemi is only causing you to get angrier.  You're blaming me for her being here, but did you ever think that this is in God's plan?  You deserve to be in a happy relationship, and I know for sure that Yemi is going to help you with living your life.  'Cause right now, you're only existing.  You're too good of a person to settle for just a mediocre life, Sam."

She hugs him again.  "I'm still gonna leave my car with Yemi.  So, if you change your mind, just let her know and she'll take you wherever you need to go.  But if after this conversation you still want to keep her at a distance, then I will respect your decision."

She pecks his cheek.  "Love you, cousin."  She leaves him there, deep in his feelings.


Yemi wakes up from her peaceful sleep.  She looks at the time on her phone.  It's 8:15am.  She stretches her body before walking to the bathroom. 

While sitting on the toilet, she hears a knock on the bedroom door.  "Just a minute!"  She finishes up, washes her hands, and then heads to the bedroom door. 

She opens it, and looks at Sam checking her out.  "You're still wearing my shirt."

"I didn't buy any PJ's.  Did you want it back?"

"Nah.  But do you have any plans today?"

"Just laundry.  Why?"

"Can you do that after church?"

Yemi smiles.

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