Chapter 31

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Sam's POV

I open my eyes to Yemi lying down on my chest, arms folded, in a daze. Her hair is a fuckin' mess... with her fine ass. Wait, is she overthinking something, right now? She doesn't even realize I'm looking at her. Shit, was she trying to cuddle with me? I must've pushed her off again.

She starts smiling. "Good morning."

"What were you thinking about?"


"What about me?"

"Honestly... I can't figure out what to get you for Christmas."

Phew. "...You don't have to get me anything."

"People don't really mean that when they say it." She caresses my face. "So, tell me...what do you like? I feel like you're a minimalist. You just work, go to church, and look out for others. You don't even have anything on your walls. No art, no pictures... nothing."

This isn't the first time I'm hearing about the walls in my crib. When V first moved to Cali, she asked me why I didn't have any decorations up. Then when I moved to the loft, she added a family picture on my wall and then got mad when I took it down the next day.

"Seriously. I have everything I want."

"Are you going to get me something?"

"I already got your gift."

"Then yes. I do have to get you something. I'll just ask Veronica to help me."

I laugh thinking about that family picture. "V gives me a Best Buy gift card every year... for Christmas and for my birthday. She's gonna tell you to get the same thing. I'm really hard to shop for, ma."

She pouts. "... You have to have something you strongly like."

"Just give me a Christmas card and write how you feel in it."

"What?" She laughs lightly.

"I love when you express your feelings to me. So, do that."

She slightly smiles before rubbing my chest. "You are too good to be true."

"I can say the same about you, gorgeous." I hear my phone ping, breaking our little moment. She grabs it off the floor, and then hands it to me.

"I'm gonna go fix my hair." She rolls off me, exposing her fat ass that I love so much. "Yeah, you do that," I tell her, smacking it.

"Whatever. It's your fault it looks like this."

I smirk. "Your ass or your hair?"

She laughs from the bathroom doorway. "You're such a perve."

Shit, I'm being good. I used to be worse. I look down at my phone, hoping this isn't one of my employees with some bullshit. I unlock it, and then read the message.

Unsaved number: I had to change my number. Call me. Got something to tell you.

Nah, this sounds personal.

Me: Who's this?

Unsaved number: Jamie. My bad for the other night.

I exhale aggressively. I'm on vacation, and I'm not trying to hear shit Jamie has to say, right now. He wants to act like a bitch... then he can do that shit alone.

Me: Call you when I'm in Cali.

I put my phone down just as another ping goes through. I don't even care to see what he wrote back. I said what I said.

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