Chapter 6

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Yemi is at work, wearing the last outfit she bought using Sam's credit card.  She's currently thinking about how she's going to rotate her clothes next week.  Her boss, Mr. Dunn, rushes into the office, interrupting her thoughts.  "We got an injury at the airport site!"

Yemi grins.  Not because an employee is hurt, but because she finally has something to do.  The desk phone hardly rings, and her only human interaction is when the construction workers come to clock-in and clock-out and when she has to facilitate a training course with them.  Nevertheless, she never complains because at least she has some type of income, even if it's minimum wage.


Mr. Dunn speeds into the parking lot.  He jumps out with Yemi, and they both run over to the crowded area.  When they see the employee's leg caught underneath the wheel of an excavator, they both come to an abrupt stop.  "Damnnnnnnn," they react in unison, sounding like Smokey and Craig on the movie Friday

The injured worker rocks his upper body back and forth, in severe pain, as Mr. Dunn gets closer to examine him.  Yemi quickly pulls out some paperwork from the manila envelope she's holding and dials 911.

After giving detailed information to the operator, she hangs up and approaches Mr. Dunn.  "Ambulance is on the way."

"Yemi, this is really going to cost us.  Sampson's gonna be out for some time."

"I can do it."

He looks at her, confused.  "Do what?"

"Sampson's job."

"This is no time for jokes, Ms. Hardwick.  Now please, go find me a replacement for Sampson."

"Mr. Dunn, I'm in charge of updating the training materials every 2 weeks.  Who else is better for the job than me?"

"Oh, you serious?"

She smiles proudly.

"Yemi, you have no hands-on experience.  Just find me someone by Monday.  Please!"

An ambulance pulls up, and Mr. Dunn sprints towards it.


The ambulance leaves with Sampson stretched out in the back as Mr. Dunn walks back over to the work site.  When he gets closer, he notices all of his workers are crowded around each other laughing at something in front of them.  "I don't pay you guys to goof off.  Get to work!" 

Someone pats Mr. Dunn's shoulder.  "Boss, you shoulda just gave her the job."


The worker leads Mr. Dunn to the front of the crowd.  "Are you fucking kidding me?!"  Mr. Dunn watches Yemi drive an excavator around in circles with the claw holding a small jet in the air.  It's like watching a kid run around flying a huge toy plane.  "Get down, before I fire you."  Yemi stops immediately when she sees Mr. Dunn running to her.

"It's because I'm a woman, huh?"

"For someone who frequently edits the training material, you should know you need a license to drive these things.  Get down, before someone reports the both of us."

"I have nothing to lose.  You however need someone to fill in for Sampson at a very short notice."

Mr. Dunn looks around panicking.  "Alright look.  If anyone asks, you have your license. But you better get it ASAP or you're fired!"

"As long as I get paid the same wage as everyone else, it's a deal."

"Yeah, yeah.  Just make sure you have someone as good as you at that front desk, first thing Monday."

Yemi jumps down and immediately starts dancing.  Mr. Dunn stomps away, cussing her out in his native language.


Veronica steps out of her car as Yemi, pulling down the bottom of her very short dress, climbs out of the passenger side.  A valet driver takes the keys from Veronica before Veronica meets up with Yemi.  "I should've just worn jeans.  I'm gonna be doing this all night."

"Stop pulling it.  You need some drinks, so you can chill out."  Veronica leads Yemi to the entrance of an upscale lounge. 

"I haven't been out in forever.  What if I embarrass us?"

Veronica chuckles.  "Girl, stop."  They reach the bouncer, and Veronica gives him a quick hug before he lets them inside the venue.

"You come here regularly?"  Yemi is surprised they were able to bypass the long line.

"No.  He's Sam's client."

Yemi rolls her eyes at the mention of Sam's name.  Veronica laughs. 

"There's my friend."  Veronica leads Yemi through the crowd, walking up to a sexy chocolate tall man.  "Yemi, this is Donnell and his friend Chris.  Y'all, this is my homegirl Yemi."  After they exchange greetings, Donnell grabs Veronica's waist before pulling her into a sloppy kiss.

"Well, okay then."  Yemi playfully rolls her eyes as she looks away.  

A bartender places a tray of shots on the bar behind Chris, grabbing his attention.  "Shots are here." 

Veronica breaks the kiss and swoops up a few glasses for her and Yemi.  "Cheers to Yemi's promotion, and to my nail tour!"  They all clink each other's glasses before throwing back 3 shots each.

Later on the dance floor, Veronica and Yemi are the life of the party.  All the men are trying to get personal dances, but the ladies are too into their own zones to even notice them.  Donnell appears through the crowd.  "Hey, we're heading out.  You good to drive?"

Veronica's response is inaudible.  Donnell chuckles.  "Give me your keys.  You're coming home with me."  Veronica drunkenly points at Yemi, so Donnell reaches for her.  "You mind Chris taking you home?"

"Nope," Yemi responds, popping the p

Donnell escorts the ladies out, disappointing Veronica and Yemi's fans.


Sam is about to turn a lamp off by the window when he notices Yemi outside, exiting a car with Chris holding the door open for her.  Sam frowns at the sight of Yemi's quick peck on Chris' cheek.  He glares at them as Chris watches Yemi safely enter the building.


Sam walks towards the front door as Yemi staggers in. "Don't bring any men to my house." Yemi's eyes dart up to Sam, surprised at his demanding presence.

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