Chapter 56

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Detective Kennedy parks in front of a ranch-style house in a suburban area. The detective cross-checks the address in his notes with the number painted on the curb before getting out of the car.

When he reaches the front door, he knocks on it, and waits a few moments before someone opens it. A woman, who looks to be in her early 40's, gives him a look as though she doesn't want to be bothered.


"Hello. Is Briana home?"

"Hold on." She closes the door, and a few minutes later it reopens, revealing Briana with a look of confusion.

"Who are you?"

"Briana Billmore?"

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Detective Jeffrey Kennedy." He shows her his badge. "I need to ask you some questions."

Briana quickly glances behind her before rushing outside, pulling the detective away from the front door. "Is this about Jonathon? Did he do something? Did he lose my car?"

"Your husband?"

"Yeah. If he's getting locked up, please tell me where I can get my car. I could really use it right now."

"Locked up for what?"

"I don't know. You're the one over here questioning me. But I'm sure whatever you guys think he did, he did it."

"Actually, I'm here to find out where you were on Easter."

Briana furrows her eyebrows. "Easter?"

"Yes, Easter."

"Umm. My cousin's house. Why?"

"Which cousin? Yemi Hardwick?"

"Hell no. I went to my cousin Demi's house. But why are you asking me that? What's going on?"

"Was Demi there the night Angela Hardwick was killed?"

Briana looks like she's just seen a ghost. "...That case was closed. You shouldn't be asking me anything about that."

"Actually the case has officially been reopened."

"Why is it being reopened? My cousins already told the police they didn't see the person who attacked her."

"We received some new information that leads us to believe we can solve the case this time."


"Yes. So, was Demi there that night?"

"There were a lot of people there."

"Like who?"

"Isn't that information in the files?"

"Yes. But surprisingly, you weren't questioned when the case was opened. I would like to know what you know, since you were at the hospital before Angela died."

"It's in the report that I was at the hospital?"

"Like I said... I received new information."

"Hmph." Briana glances behind her at the large window, and catches the lady, who answered the door earlier, peeking through the blinds. "Whatever you have to ask, make it quick. I don't want my landlord all up in my business."

"How much do you know about the murder? And who informed you to come to the hospital?"

Briana takes a long deep breath. "I don't know much. Like I said, I wasn't there. All I know is that my mom and her cousins were out partying that night, and someone approached them and fought Angela. She was still breathing when she arrived to the hospital."

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