Chapter 58

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Yemi is lying down naked on top of Sam's body. She wakes up with a grin on her face, sitting up on Sam's stomach while he sleeps. Yemi's eyes travel down to his body, admiring his handsome face, shapely shoulders, bulging muscles, and chiseled abs and chest. Something she does every time she wakes up before him.

She slides down off of him, and removes herself from the bed. She goes to the bathroom to take care of her hygiene. 20 minutes later, she peeks out from the bathroom and sees Sam is still sleeping. She sneaks out of the bedroom, still nude, and enters the kitchen.

She goes into the refrigerator and pulls out a tray where the veggies are located, digging out a small cake box from a hidden spot.

She brings it out of the fridge and pulls a lighter out from a kitchen drawer. She opens the box to reveal a tall square individual cake with the words Happy Birthday Papi written on top. She lights the one candle that's already on it, and makes her way back to the room, holding the cake in front of her breasts.

She sits on the bed, right next to Sam. "Baby..."


Sam is definitely a heavy sleeper. Yemi places the cake on top of the nightstand, and then sits backwards on top of Sam's stomach before licking his curved penis.

Sam slowly opens his eyes, and then smirks at the sight of Yemi's ass in front of him while giving him head.

"Damn, ma..." He moans as Yemi tongue kisses the head. She starts to suck on the shaft, enthusiastically, as she softly grinds against his stomach. Sam smacks one of her cheeks and Yemi continues to pleasure him while moaning. After a few minutes, Yemi starts to slow down and starts using her hand to stroke along with her mouth.

Not too long after, Sam begins to breath heavy, squeezing on her hips. Yemi starts sucking more intensely until she feels Sam about to climax. Then she suddenly stops.

"Yemi..." Sam warns.

She giggles before starting again. She sucks him until he's about to climax and then stops again. Sam groans as Yemi looks back at him with a smirk. She does the same process a couple more times before going all the way through, causing Sam to have a long and intense orgasm.

Sam's legs are shaky and his body is stuck in one position. Yemi turns her body to face him and kisses his lips. "Happy Birthday, my love." Sam can't even respond.

Yemi picks up the cake with the burning candle and brings it into Sam's view. She smiles, and then says, "make a wish before you blow out the candle."

Sam side-eyes her. "... Does it look like I can blow out a candle, right now?"

Yemi laughs, causing Sam to smile at her. "You be doing too much with that mouth."

"You know you like it."

"No. I love it," he admits, licking his lips at her.

Yemi kisses his lips again before sitting next to Sam on the bed.

He manages to sit up, while reading the words written on the cake. "Are you gonna sing Happy Birthday to me?"

"Sureeee." Yemi clears her throat, and then takes a deep breath. "Go shawty, it's your birthday. Go shawty, it's your birthday. We're gonna sip Barcardi like it's your birthday. And you know we don't give a fuck, 'cause it's your birthday," she raps to him, swaying her shoulders.

Sam laughs hard, causing Yemi to grin.

"What's your wish?"

"For you to marry me."

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