Chapter 5

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"Damn, for real?" Veronica, sitting behind the shuttle driver with Sam, stares at him with her eyes wide. Sam looks straight ahead, still bothered from the situation. "Imagine if her car never broke down at my shop. I wouldn't've sparked a conversation with her, and she would've gone home to that fu-to that monster." Sam turns to her, examining her words.

"Her car broke down? I thought she just had it parked at her cousin's or something."

"Nah. Damn, that's why she didn't wanna call a mechanic. Her cousin took all her damn money." Veronica sucks her teeth as she discovers this information. "That's fu- messed up. Sam, you better not ever put no female before me, cuz." Sam is offended. Veronica chuckles at his expression. "I know you wouldn't ever, but that's just how shocked I am at this shi- this mess."

They sit in silence for a moment, taking everything in. Sam and Veronica were raised to be loyal to family and to talk things out when things get rough. Once Veronica was sent to live with Sam's immediate family, they made it easy for her to feel more like a sister and daughter, rather than an extended family member. So no matter how many times they hear someone's family drama stories, it still shocks them every time.

"So, tell me the truth. Are you happy she's living with you?"

"Don't start, V. As soon as she saves enough money to get her own place, she's out. She'll stay in her lane, and I'll stay in mine."

"Stop frontin'. You couldn't even hold your thoughts together last night. Telling her how beautiful she is and staring at her all night." She laughs at the thought. "Yo, I can't believe God finally sent a woman to knock your wall down."

"Dead that. Bringing up old stuff. After I got my back beat up this morning and then having to knock that weirdo out, God gotta be telling me she's nothing but drama. Like I said, once she saves enough money, she can get on with her life."

"Yeah okay. You sent her to the mall to go shopping with your card. It seems like you care more than you actually know."

Sam sucks his teeth, knowing that he means exactly what he says. He is definitely keeping his distance from Yemi.

Veronica looks out the window, and sees that they're approaching the prison gate. She stands up and faces the back of the shuttle. Every seat is filled with church members. 99% of them are women. Even the woman, who got caught drooling over Sam by her boyfriend, is in attendance.

"Okay everyone. Once we come to a complete stop, please exit carefully and form a line right outside of the bus. I have to make sure everyone is signed in with the C.O. before we can go inside."

The shuttle stops, and the driver opens the door. As everyone heads towards it, each lady seductively glances at Sam as they pass him by. Veronica chuckles at Sam trying to ignore them. "You should invite Yemi to church tomorrow. Maybe that'll calm these women down."



Shopping bags from DSW, Macy's, and Bath & Body Works are on the floor next to the walk-in closet. Yemi smiles peacefully as she comes out and grabs items out of them. As she's putting away clothes, a loud ding from the house alarm goes off, announcing the front door's being opened. She sprints out of the closet, into the bedroom, and down the hall until she sees Sam checking the mail in his hand. He looks up at her with a blank face.

"Hi." Yemi smiles, nervously.

Sam breaks his eye contact with her as he tosses the mail on a nearby counter. "You done with my card?" He walks past her, nonchalantly.

Yemi is disappointed in his change of attitude. "Yeah, I'll get it right now." She goes back to her room as Sam goes into his. He closes the door behind him and strips. He walks straight into his bathroom with just his boxer briefs on, and turns on the shower. Before he gets in, he leans over the sink and takes a really deep breath.

Yemi comes back out of her room and heads over to Sam's. She tries to slide the card and receipts under the door, but they won't fit. So she knocks on the door. She doesn't hear anything, so she slowly opens it. She hears the shower running, and quickly slides in, dropping the card and receipts on his dresser. Just as she turns around to leave, the bathroom door opens, and Sam, still wearing his briefs, catches her trying to speed out.

He grabs a towel from the clean laundry on his bed. Yemi keeps her eyes straight ahead, respecting his privacy. "Your card's on the dresser. The receipts, too." Then closes the door behind her.

Sam walks over to the dresser and scans the receipts. He furrows his eyebrows in disapproval, and then opens the door, yelling out Yemi's name.

Yemi returns, but is startled to see his body. So she turns her head away. Sam looks down at his briefs in response. "My fault. But yo, this is all you got?" He holds up the receipts.

"That's all I needed."

"You had way more clothes in those duffel bags. You only bought like a week worth of clothes."

"I didn't wanna spend too much of your money, and I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back."

"You're worrying about the wrong things."

"Look, I appreciate you letting me rent from you, but you don't have to worry about anything else. I know you're upset with me, so just leave it like that. As soon as I get a better paying job, I'll be out of your way." She walks away, finally able to get the last word with him. Sam watches her go to her room, stopping himself from going after her.

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