Chapter 21

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Sam walks into the gym and heads towards his office. He nods at his employee, Kacey, at the front desk. "Good morning."

Kacey doesn't respond to him. He's too shocked at Sam's new behavior. Another employee, Felicia, rushes to Kacey. "Am I trippin', or did he just say Good Morning to you?"

"Okay, so you heard that, too?"

"I think he even smiled a little bit."

"Nah. You're seeing things now."

Another employee, Marshall, enters the gym and approaches Kacey and Felicia. "What's up y'all?"

"Hey Marshall."

"Is Sam in, yet?"

"Yeah he's here. So you're really gonna go through with it, huh?"

"I mean... the worse he can say is no."

"True. Good luck, man."

Kacey and Felicia dap Marshall up before he walks to Sam's office. Marshall knocks on the door and hears Sam say, "Come in." He looks back at his co-workers before opening the door. Kacey and Felicia look at him like he's crazy for even approaching Sam's office.

Marshall closes the door behind him as Sam responds to a few emails. Sam eventually looks up and does a double take at Marshall. "I thought you were off today?"

"I am, but I needed to come in and talk to you about something."

Sam gives Marshall his full attention. "What is it?"

"So... umm... " Marshall begins scratching his head, trying to overcome his nervousness. Sam hates that he puts fear in his employees, but he rather have it that way than to have them take advantage of his kindness.

"Just say it."

"...My brother surprised me with a trip for my 21st birthday. I know it's last minute, but he literally just told me this yesterday."

"When is it? Next week?"

"This weekend."

Sam narrows his eyes. "Why didn't you just say tomorrow?"

"Well, technically it is this weekend."

"You must don't wanna go."

"My fault boss." Marshall sighs, worriedly. "Can I please take off tomorrow? I'll work two extra days next week, if you need me to."

Sam's cold stare causes Marshall to break his eye contact with him. Moments later, Sam finally responds. "Go ahead. I'll find someone to cover your shift."

Marshall's eyes get bigger than they should. "For real?"

Sam tilts his head as if he wants to say, Nah... for play play. Marshall takes the hint. "You're right. I don't even know why I asked that. Thank you so much Sam. I really appreciate this."

"Yep." Sam refocuses on his work while Marshall is stuck there smiling at Sam.

"You have one second to leave my office before I change my mind," Sam commands without looking up at him.

Marshall runs out with the quickness, and heads straight to the front desk, grinning. Felicia turns her nose up in confusion. "I have never seen anyone take rejection so well."

"He said, yeah."

"You're lying."

"Real shit."

"You're serious?"

"Yeah, woman," he laughs.

Felicia's jaw drops. "Oh shit. I knew something was off when he said Good Morning to Kacey."

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