Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's nameSong: "Needs" - Verzache
requested by @anaxis56
i hope y'all had a good christmas... and happy new year (i hope)!
it's coming up to this book's 1 year anniversary 😳
Well, I am going to be straightforward with you. I am shy, as in, very fucking shy, as is my beloved crush, C/N, of whom I have been friends with for the last couple months. It's typical of me to have developed feelings so quickly, but my lack of social interactions as a result of being so shy mean that when I do find someone to talk to I can't help but fall. Hard. Of course, there is no way in hell I am telling him about my feelings, nor willingly making the 'first move'.
« Hey » I saw the message pop up on my phone screen, tearing my gaze from my laptop which had my geography essay open on. The message was from none other than C/N, and I felt my heart flutter instantly.
« Hey » I quickly typed back.
« D'you wanna come over and play video games? »
« Ofc, be there in ten :) »
I have always been much more confident over text, and smiled to myself as I closed my laptop and prepared to leave.
Knocking on a person's door was a much more anxiety-inducing task than media made it out to be, so instead I shot a quick text to C/N to let him know I was outside. He answered the door in no time, showing his rose-tinted cheeks that made my own warm. "Hey," he said, a pretty grin adorning his features. There went the butterflies in my stomach again, that time in the truckload because the boy was actually stood in front of me.
"Hi," I muttered, bowing my head as he stepped aside to let me indoors.
"What- what do you wanna play?"
His smile sent sparks up my spine, "My favourite."
We moved into his living room, where his console was set up underneath his overwhelmingly large smart television. He handed me a controller before sitting down on one side of the sofa, allowing me to sit next to him.
The first ten minutes went by in silence: the only sounds being the clicking of the controllers and gunshots from the game. I snuck a glance to him after he got killed, to see that he wasn't looking at the screen, but at me. "Stupid," I mumbled, "Look at the screen so you don't get killed." In all honesty, I only made that comment to cover up the fact I was flustered he had been looking at me.
"Sorry," he blushed.
Another few minutes of silence went by.
"You know... you're really good at Halo," he said.
"Thanks," I smiled, "You're- uh- not so good at it..."
"Haha, yeah..."
"D'you wanna play something you're good at? It's your console."
C/N seemed to ponder for a few moments, "Minecraft? Creative mode... we can build- uh- our dream house together..."
"Our dream house?" I squeaked, immediately regretting the high pitch my tone decided to take.
"Oh- yeah- ah..." C/N said, avoiding eye contact with me by staring intently at the screen as he switched to Minecraft.
I didn't have the confidence to pry further, so turned my gaze back to the controller in my hands. He had probably just meant it as something to do together, because building separate houses wouldn't have been a very social activity.
We began laying the plan for the house, an uncomfortable and awkward silence consuming the air around us. That would have been an ideal time for one of his family members to pop in and offer snacks or something, but we were the only ones in the house. I felt like I had to say something, but I didn't know what, and found myself merely glancing at C/N every several seconds instead. His eyes were cast dead ahead and it appeared he was chewing on the inside of his mouth anxiously.
"Y/N," he eventually said, making me internally breathe a sigh of relief at not having to be the one to break the silence.
"Yeah- yes?"
"I... um..." he trailed off, "I, uh, I..."
I stopped using the controller and turned to look at him, only to see he was inexplicably flustered, which made me frown.
"I, well... IlikeyouY/N."
"Hm?" I said. I was pretty sure I had heard him perfectly, but he had said it so quickly that I couldn't risk being one hundred percent sure.
"I... well, like... you..."
"Rea- really?" my eyes lit up.
He seemed to calm slightly at seeing my excitement, "Uh, yeah..."
I practically pounced across the sofa to wrap my arms around his torso, knocking the wind out of him completely. "I like you too..." I mumbled into his chest.
C/N's smile was practically audible, and was reflected in his actions when he returned my hug. "So, uh... should we start building the house?" he said upon me pulling away.
I grinned, my cheeks hot to the touch, and said, "Of course."
i have so much existential dread rn which is fun aha ✌️😔
also the uk is in national lockdown so i'm on online school again 🥴
[882 words]

Crush Oneshots | Crush x Reader
Fanfiction- no smut - crush x reader - my writing improves throughout :) - NO LONGER UPDATED -------- ☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎ started: 15/02/2020 finished: 15/05/2022 milestones: -10k reads on 03/06/2020 -1k votes on 28/07/2020 -2k votes on 30/10/2...