[𝟴𝟱] 🧸 Sʜʏ Bᴏʏ Pᴛ.2 - ℝ𝔼ℚ𝕌𝔼𝕊𝕋

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name

Song: "Just Add Water" - Cavetown

the second part of a request by cacaseasonedcooch


A week later, and Y/N and C/N were sat in one of the many ship's restaurants together, looking over the menu.

"I believe in you, C/N," she gave him a thumbs up, "You've gained so much confidence over the past week! I'm sure you'll nail ordering your food."

"Okay... right... I can do this..." he mumbled to himself, repeating what he wanted over and over in his mind. It was a simple lunch order. He could do this.

The waiter walked up to the table dressed neatly in a suit with a forced customer service smile on his face, "Afternoon, are you ready to order?"

Y/N nodded, gesturing for C/N to speak. He breathed deeply, putting on a more projected voice that she had taught him, "Can... Can I have a glass of lemonade and a... and a lamb panini... please?"

"Of course, sir," the waiter scribbled on his notepad, "With the lemonade, is that half a pint or a pint?"

"Pint... please," he said quickly, adding in the polite etiquette in a panicked rush. The waiter smiled and took Y/N's order, leaving almost as efficiently as he arrived.

"You did it, C/N!" she beamed, "I'm so proud of you!"

He gave her a small smile, "I did it... I actually did it..."

"Just one more week of this cruise," she said, "Plenty of time for you to become a social butterfly! When you choose to be, of course."

"Thank you, Y/N," he said, making her grin wider, "You've done so much for me in the last week..."

"Ah, it's nothing. I enjoy spending time with you! This gives me a decent excuse to without seeming weird."

"I don't think you're weird..." it was nice he was finally able to hold steady sentences around her, "I admire your confidence."

"It's not a special talent," Y/N sighed, "I have to be confident... otherwise I'll never be able to make a career as an artist."

"I still think it's cool."

For the first time, she was left speechless. All she could give him was softened sincere eyes, happy in his calming (albeit slightly awkward) presence. "Ah, anyway," she said, "The lunch isn't over yet! We still have more waiter visits to come... Class isn't dismissed yet, young man..."

Good things always came to an end, as that's just how life goes, so naturally the last day of the shared part of the holiday arrived. C/N still wasn't a master of being confident: but he had done a lot of the more adventurous and social activities, all thanks to Y/N's constant support and reassurance.

They met up on the deck on the morning of the day they were due to arrive at C/N's end stop at a dock along Australia's lengthy coastline. "You've got my number saved, right?" Y/N said the second he was in hearing distance.


"Got your passport? Your luggage packed?"

"Stop... you're reminding me of my mum... it's weird..." he scrunched his nose. It was such a change in character from when they first met.

"Sorry, sorry..." she shook her head with a smile, "I'm just distracting myself from having to say goodbye..."

"I'm sure we can see each other again soon."

Y/N sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I know... Thank God our time zones aren't too different."

C/N smiled.

"Also... I'm so proud of you! You're such a quick learner, you'll be socialising like a pro from now on!"

"Yeah... all thanks to you..." he blushed, "I'm gonna be honest... I wanted nothing more than to get away from you when you first came up to me..."

Snorting, she said, "Gee, thanks... but, fair, I suppose."

He hummed, "Anyway, uh, this has been a fun two weeks..."

"Yeah... I appreciate you appreciating my artwork... unlike my own family..." she chuckled, "Seriously, your opinion means the world to me. You can be the first to see all my future works, if you want."

"I'd honestly love that," C/N watched as she somehow smiled wider, it made his cheeks tint pink slightly. She got so happy so easily. It was adorable.

The ship's horn sounded out, alerting the passengers of the nearing docks.

"Oh... sorry... I'm gonna... gonna have to get going..." his sadness at leaving brought his nerves back, "My grandparents will want to check I've... I've got everything."

"It's okay! Well, it's not... but I'll survive."

C/N's eyes lingered on her features, making a decision to do something in the emotion of the moment. "Y/N..."

"Yes?" she perked up.

"Can I... Can I kiss you?"

Her eyes widened cutely as she pursed her lips. Nerves nearly killed him until she said, "C/N... you didn't need to ask."

Grinning, he awkwardly placed his hand on her cheek and leaned down to let their lips meet for a few seconds. It was sweet and chaste, a sense of hesitancy on C/N's part, but the mutual feelings still there.

The horn sounded again. "I've really got to go... Nana wanted me back on the first horn..."

"Okay, go!" she giggled, "But, one more thing!"


"Will you be my boyfriend?" her words were confident, but she was secretly dying inside, "I think we could make long distance work..."

"Yeah... yes..." he mentally cursed himself for responding so stupidly, "I'd... I'd love that..."

Y/N's eyes lit up.

"Okay... good... goodbye..." he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek and turning around to disappear into the crowd.

What in the hell happened to the shy boy she met by the railing?


i think it was a push to make this a twoshot but this went somewhat adequately

i loved this idea!! thank u for the request

today's fun fact about moi:~

i love cheddar cheese (specifically this 1989 one, and, no, it's not made in 1989)

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