[𝟭𝟲𝟬] ⚠️ Mᴏᴏᴅ Rɪɴɢ Pᴛ.2

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
C/L/N - crush's last name

Song: "Mood Ring" - Lorde

⚠️mentions of parent-based trauma; implied depression⚠️


The breakfast served in the dining room the next morning was grand, and Y/N hadn't been expecting it when she went down the stairs in search of life in the house. C/N had stayed true to his word and evidently left the second that she had fallen asleep. It wasn't surprising, as it had been somewhat awkward with him sitting on the side of the bed with a good metre between them, but she appreciated his company nonetheless.

Sat around the small homely table was the family of three, just beginning to fill up their plates. They all smiled at her as she entered.

"Good morning," one of the woman beamed, "We would've used our main dining room, but we thought that it was too- what's the word?- unhomely?"

"That's fine, I prefer cosier places anyway," Y/N grinned at them, taking a seat.

"How did you sleep?" the other woman asked.

"I slept okay, thank you, and you?"

"Ah, like a baby."

"We heard back from the power line company, by the way," C/N said, "They said the damage was in multiple places, and will take about three days to fix."

"You're welcome to stay here for the days, of course."

"I mean, I'd love to, but I don't wanna do nothing around here."

Both women shook their hands, "Don't be stupid, you're our tenant, you pay to live in a fully functioning house and that's exactly what we have to provide."

"I wish more landlords were like you..." Y/N trailed off as she stared at her food, "But seriously, I'd feel guilty if I didn't help with anything."

"You probably have your own work to do."

She shrugged, "I don't think so. My employers have been gradually reducing my workload so I think they're building up to firing me."

"Well, if you're so insistent, how good are you with farm work?"

"I mean... I'm not afraid of it? But I've never really done it either."

"C/N, could you use a helping hand with your work today?"

Y/N flicked her eyes to the man as he shrugged, "It wouldn't hurt."

"Well, it's settled then."


"Have you got wellies?" C/N asked.

Y/N nodded, "I do actually. Can't really remember why."

"Well, we'll go down to your house and get them, as well as any other stuff you want with you for the next couple days."

"Okay, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Nothing major. Just gotta replace all the hay in the cow barn."

"How dirty am I gonna get?"

He shrugged, "Enough for me to say don't wear something you don't want ruined for eternity."

Y/N had honestly just copied what he was wearing as best she could: old denim jeans and a worn out flannel shirt.

"You look like a farmer," he commented, "Minus the mud stains."

"I don't know if I have the muscle to look like a farmer."

C/N chuckled, "I was talking about your clothes, darlin'."

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