Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
C/B/N - crush's best friend's name/your older brother's name
C/F/N - crush's friend
B/C/N - boy cousin's nameSong: "Sweater Weather" - The Neighbourhood
I don't remember much about the day I was adopted, but I do remember it was a Wednesday. A very rainy Wednesday.
I had just left the airport, and already I was soaked. I don't remember much more about the place other than the car park having many puddles across the concrete. Despite only being seven, I held no interest in jumping in them.
Another thing I can still vaguely recall is arriving at my new home. My adopted parents and older brother were stood outside with anticipating smiles on their faces. I remember my brother's first words to me, in very broken English, "Hello, I am C/B/N..."
He helped me learn Korean day in and day out, as I knew absolutely none. I can speak it fluently now, as it has been ten years since I moved here. Ten years since I have seen, or even heard, from my biological brothers. I miss them every single second of every single day, no matter how many times my adopted mum tells me to move on.
My adopted brother, C/B/N, has a group of friends that are around our house a lot of the time. They are all a year above me. C/F/N speaks fluent English, and is the only one I ever speak my mother tongue to anymore. If it wasn't for him, I would probably have lost the ability. B/C/N, my new cousin, is also a part of the friend group, as he is the same age as C/B/N.
C/N isn't so nice. He is very distant and doesn't talk to me much. To be honest, I have no idea if he speaks any English or not because he has never explicitly said he can or can't. But I do know he absolutely despises me, he doesn't exactly try to hide it. He mostly ignores me and glares at me if I try to speak to him.
Like usual, C/B/N's group of friends were around our house. Our parents were away for the weekend on some kind of business trip, so they were having a group sleepover. I probably would have had one, too, if it wasn't for the fact C/B/N's friends were my only friends. I didn't take to public schooling all those years ago, so I started taking online classes, but C/B/N still went.
The time reached eleven, and I headed downstairs because my stomach was in need of food. I heard the sounds of laughter from the living room, followed by playful insults. As I passed through the room, I saw them playing Mario Kart. Instantly, my interest was piqued and hunger forgotten.
It appeared C/N just beat them all at it, so naturally I wanted to prove I'm better, "Can I play?" I asked in Korean.
Almost as if on reflex, C/N scowled and said, "I could beat you in a heartbeat." He was wearing a hand-me-down from his older brother: a loose black jumper that drowned his figure out. I'd always known his family to be quite poor.
"If you're so sure about that... why don't we make things interesting?" I took a seat on the sofa, already reaching for the controller.
"How?" his eyebrow was raised, but his eyes still held his usual emotionless stance.
"If I win... you all have to play hide and seek with me. In the forest," I said, making C/N scoff, "And if you win... I will do you the honour of not speaking to you for a year."
C/N smirked, holding out his hand, "Deal."
I shook it, before turning my attention to the screen.
Needless to say, C/N was not happy to find himself stood outside the nearby forest along with the rest of us. The chilly air probably didn't help, not to mention the moderately strong breeze nipping against our rosy cheeks. I pulled my zip-up hoodie closer around my body. I knew I should have worn more layers than this, especially as the zip was broken and I couldn't do it up. Rookie mistake.
We chose C/F/N to be the seeker first, and entered the forest as he began his count to twenty. Each of us began running in our separate ways, and I only slowed down to a walk when I could no longer hear the snapping of twigs and muttering of numbers.
I wrapped my arms around my body in a pathetic attempt to warm myself up, just as I arrived at a clearing that seemed like a good spot to wait. It was landmark-y enough for someone to notice, but also hidden enough for it to be considered a hiding spot. I took a seat in the middle of it, curling up into a ball so as to conserve as much body heat as possible.
Seconds turned into minutes, and soon I had completely lost track of time. Another rookie mistake was not wearing a watch or bringing my phone. Stupid. After what felt like half an hour of absolutely no sound of life, I stood up and began cautiously walking in the direction I came. Or, at least the direction I thought I came.
My body temperature was dropping drastically, as well as my fears getting stronger by the second. I was having more and more flashbacks to being locked up in a dark room with my brothers all those years ago. Every minute that passed I got closer to a panic attack.
The sound of leaves crunching made me freeze in place, allowing me to nervously track the sound to somewhere to the right of me. A shadow loomed closer, but my body would not move an inch. Relief washed over me when the moonlight shone down on their face and revealed them to be C/N.
He probably wasn't so happy that I lurched forward and clung on to his chest. "Y/N..." he huffed, "What are you doing...?"
"This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have made that bet. I'm such a fucking idiot-"
"Calm down," he said in a fed-up voice, "Panic and regret won't get us out of this forest."
I went silent, slowly letting go of his body, but still not moving away from him in the slightest.
"You're freezing... d'you want my jumper?" his intentions seemed nice, but his tone was cold and icy. It was hard to tell whether he actually cared or not.
"I wouldn't mind it..." I mumbled.
If you thought the jumper drowned out C/N, then you should have seen me in it. It was practically a dress, and not a short one either. Still, it was warm and cosy and made me feel safe.
"...Why?" I couldn't help but ask as we began our trek in what we thought was the right direction.
"What d'you mean?" he replied absently.
"Well... you hate me... why care if I freeze to death?"
His breath hitched.
part two coming soon, bitches ✌🏻
today's fun fact about me:~
i am petrified of spiders, and i saw a huge ass one in the lounge yesterday that freaked me out
[1242 words]

Crush Oneshots | Crush x Reader
Fanfic- no smut - crush x reader - my writing improves throughout :) - NO LONGER UPDATED -------- ☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎ started: 15/02/2020 finished: 15/05/2022 milestones: -10k reads on 03/06/2020 -1k votes on 28/07/2020 -2k votes on 30/10/2...