Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
B/N - best friend's name
S/A - strongest arm (arm you use to write)Song: "Things That Make It Warm" - Cavetown
🧸 —> fluff
⚠️ —> angstthe past couple weeks i've been having a huge existential crisis :(
Over the weekend, Y/N had broken her arm during a rugby match. It had been very painful, but during the rush to the hospital all she could think about was if she would ever be able to play again. The doctors assured her it was only a large fracture, and that once it had healed it would be almost like it had never happened. That had calmed her panic attack slightly, and now it was Monday and time to go back to school.
Her S/A arm was in a cast, held up by a sling over her shoulder. She had had to opt for a short sleeved blouse, unlike usual, plus the school had given her exclusive permission to not wear a blazer. Instead of taking the school bus like normal, her neighbour dropped her off outside the building.
B/N would have definitely tackled Y/N in a worried hug if it wasn't for the fact the reason for her worry was that Y/N was injured.
They talked all the way on to the school premises, when Y/N's longtime crush came running up to her with a panicked expression on his face. "Y/N! What happened?"
"I broke my arm during rugby, no big deal," she said with a blush reaching her cheekbones, "Thanks for your concern, though..."
C/N followed her and B/N into the building, his friends tagging along behind exchanging playful banter. (we're not allowed to use the word banter in my school for some reason idk) He was stood by the side of her injured arm glaring at anyone who came anywhere near her. "Y/N, lemme take your bag..." he said, already reaching for it.
"It's fine, C/N, really," she replied, but C/N insisted and the bag ended up in his arms.
They had the first lesson together, and C/N looked relieved to see no further injuries on her as they had had to part for morning form. He sat next to her, unlike usual, and insisted on getting her stuff out her bag for her. The teacher didn't say anything about him moving after seeing that Y/N had a broken arm.
After the school issued laptop was up and loaded, the lesson began. C/N constantly checked up on her, making sure she was doing fine. Every time she would tell him that she was managing perfectly well, but every time he would insist on helping her. She wasn't so much annoyed, but more so flattered that he cared so much about her wellbeing. Maybe there was a chance he liked her back.
Their second lesson was PE, meaning Y/N wasn't participating. All classes were working in their separate areas on the field, allowing for her to wander freely between them. Her teacher didn't particularly care. She made a trek across the grassy plains to C/N's class, where they were playing rugby. Watching them kind of made her sad, but she hoped that it wouldn't be too long before she was back.
"Hey, sir," she said politely, standing beside him as she caught sight of C/N doing some practise throws with one of his friends.
"Hello, Y/N," he replied, "Missing rugby?"
"You have no idea..."
A few minutes passed and the boys were split into two teams to transition to a match. As they proceeded to play, Y/N's eyes were practically glued to C/N. "Don't think I can't see you staring at him," the teacher raised an eyebrow, Y/N instantly going red out of embarrassment.
"Uh... I... uh..."
"So, what's the deal with you two?"
"I... don't know," she sighed, gazing at C/N as he began sprinting with the ball.
He chuckled, "I'd say he returns your feelings. He keeps looking at you."
Y/N hummed awkwardly in response.
After the lesson, Y/N met C/N outside of the boys' changing rooms with a smile on her face. Grinning down at her, he stood protectively, once more, by her injured arm as they made their way to the canteen to grab a snack. B/N briefly talked to them while they were queueing up, saying she had a breaktime detention for talking too much in class. She then disappeared to said event.
C/N didn't let Y/N get a tray of her own, insisting he would take care of it, "You'll probably drop it, anyway. It's safer for everyone if I take it."
"Excuses," Y/N mumbled.
"I'm only doing it because I care," he said, taking the chocolate milk she had picked up and placing it on his tray.
"Why do you care so much?"
C/N went quiet, causing Y/N to frown as they reached the lunch lady behind the till. She attempted to pay him back for her items afterwards, but he bluntly refused and just handed her the milk and cake.
"You didn't answer my question, C/N."
"Fine. D'you really wanna know why I don't want you to injure yourself more than you already have?" he said while holding open the canteen door for her.
"Well, yeah."
C/N took a deep breath, hyper aware of his approaching friend group, "I have a crush on you. Like, a big one."
"...I have a crush on you too," she replied, her grin beaming bigger than it ever had before.
They didn't get to say another word on the matter, however, as C/N's friends had arrived.
tbh i'm kinda runnin out of ideas so i'd love a request haha ✌🏻
today's fun fact about moi:~
i've never broken a bone
[989 words]

Crush Oneshots | Crush x Reader
Fiksi Penggemar- no smut - crush x reader - my writing improves throughout :) - NO LONGER UPDATED -------- ☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎ started: 15/02/2020 finished: 15/05/2022 milestones: -10k reads on 03/06/2020 -1k votes on 28/07/2020 -2k votes on 30/10/2...