[𝟭𝟱𝟬] 🧸 Aғᴛᴇʀ Sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ Pᴛ.2

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
Y/C/N - your cousin's name

Song: "Helen of Troy - Bonus Track" - Lorde

due to popular demand!

again, underage smoking pot~

also merry christmas everyone??!! december has flown by


"Alright, so the plan is for us all to head to the next town over," Y/C/N explained when Y/N arrived, "It's a bit last minute- Harry texted us like five minutes ago."

"And how are we getting there?" she asked.

"By bike."

"Well you could've told me that! I didn't bring my bike with me- and I can't get my mum to drop it off either."

"Calm," he said, "Sam and I are cycling up, you can ride on the back of C/N's moped."

She moved her gaze over to C/N. In all honesty, when he had messaged her after last time, she had quickly made up a reason to end the conversation, and they hadn't communicated since. When Y/C/N had invited her out that morning, she had been nervous for the awkwardness that was inevitable. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, C/N doesn't mind, do you, C/N?"

C/N shook his head, opening up the seat to take out the spare helmet. He threw it over to Y/N, who caught it. "I went back and got this like a minute ago."

"Anyways, you'll be there in half the time we will, and since Harry won't be showing up for at least an hour, you can keep C/N company."

Y/N glared at her cousin, piecing together exactly what he was doing in her head. "Fine. I'll see you there." She pulled the helmet on and got on the moped after C/N, anxiously wrapping her arms around his middle.

"You're gonna need to hold tighter than that, darlin'."

Blood rushed to her cheeks; she tightened her grip around his torso and held her breath as he started the engine. It wasn't long before they were riding down the country lanes, and Y/N was trying her best not to make it obvious that it was her first time on such a vehicle. However, it was probably too late for that, as C/N could feel the way her arms had begun squeezing even more. It hadn't reached the point of being painful for him, thankfully.

When the moped eventually came to a stop and the engine went quiet, they were in a country lane just outside a woods. C/N pulled off his helmet and tapped on Y/N's arm, "You can let go now."

"S- Sorry." She unpeeled her arms and took off her own helmet.

Despite her no longer holding him, she was still pressed right up against his back, and they were both hyper aware of the situation.

"We've got a while until the others get here," he eventually spoke, "Wanna share a spliff? I have weed."

"Oh- okay."

She clambered off the moped and watched as he did the same and laid down a coat to sit on. The area he had parked was quite secluded: presumably a regular meeting spot for him and his friends. As she sat down, he began preparing a blunt, with expertise that Y/N knew she didn't possess. When he pulled out the lighter, he gestured for her to move so she was sat directly opposite him, both of them with their legs crossed.

"Want the first hit?" he asked, holding the filter in her direction.

"If you don't mind."

He shook his head, holding it up to her lips and watching as she inhaled, held the breath, and exhaled; smoke billowing out of her mouth. He then took a hit himself, and Y/N would be a liar to say she didn't find the ease in which he did it attractive. "This is better weed than you had last time," he said, "It's also a hundred percent weed, not part baccy."

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