Y/N - Your Name
C/N - Crush's Name
B/F/N - Best Friend's Name
F/N - Friend's NameSong: "Crush" - Tessa Violet
inspired by bluey_9
It's summer, so everyone in school spends their breaks and lunchtimes on either the upper school field or lower school field. They're at opposite ends of the outdoor campus, so there's quite a big division between those who spend it on one versus those who spend it on the other. Personally, I spend it on the upper one as it's a lot bigger and much less hilly.
My group and I are sat in the middle of the field where the sun is shining directly on to us, so most of us have removed our blazers. The school has also allowed us to remove our ties since it's so hot, and while I'd usually wear trousers I needed less clothing to survive the day so borrowed one of my sister's skirts.
One thing my group are notorious for playing is Nerve; which, if you haven't seen the film, is essentially truth or dare without the truth. Naturally, our version isn't as dangerous and certainly isn't on a worldwide scale. It's just some harmless (albeit, embarrassing) fun.
F/N gets back from completing her dare with a crimson face and a sheepish smile. She plops her butt down and regains her composure as the rest of us die down on the laughing. After taking a deep breath, she said, "Alright, Y/N, your go."
I couldn't back down this time, as I often chicken out. It's about time that I won a game and proved I can be a bit of a daredevil when I want to be. "'Kay, shoot," I said.
B/F/N's eyes lit up, and I watched curiously as she leaned over to F/N and whispered in her ear. It must have been something good, because F/N immediately nodded and turned to me with a devilish grin adorning her sharp features. "Y/N, I dare you to go over to your beloved crush, C/N, and sit on his lap without any greeting or explanation. And you have to be cuddly about it."
Those little bitches...
Knowing I have to accept or I'd be out the game, I muttered a quick, "Fine," before standing up and making a beeline for C/N and his group under one of the trees. Some of his friends were messing around on the grass, but gratefully C/N was one of the ones relaxing and chatting under the tree. At least I wouldn't have to force him to sit down.
I reached the cluster of boys, of whom some realised I was on some kind of dare, but others didn't even bother to notice. C/N watched as I approached and stood in front of him. I successfully managed to fathom some courage and stepped over his legs so I could sit sideways on his lap, which I somehow succeeded in doing without a panic attack. From my angle I could see my friends gesturing with their phones out recording that I hadn't quite completed the dare so I sighed and tried to gather some more courage.
I curled my hands into my chest while leaning into C/N's and nuzzling my head into it. The feeling of him tensing up was expected and so I wasn't surprised, but it did, however, surprise me when he then relaxed and wrapped one of his arms around me.
C/N had probably realised I was playing Nerve and so had decided to just not say anything. Because as the rules of our version clearly state: if there is no set way of the dare being completed in the dare itself, it's only over when the person/people involved realise and say.
A couple minutes passed and neither C/N nor his friends had said anything, mine hadn't either for that matter as they were clearly enjoying watching me being all awkward. To make matters worse, C/N started playing with my hair with his free hand which I swear he was doing just to make the dare harder. He continued talking to his friends as if nothing had happened, which, naturally, made me embrace my new career as a broken traffic light even more.
It wasn't until a good ten fucking minutes later did he decide to say, "Enjoyed the dare, Y/N?"
"Oh, so now you decide to say something!" I pushed myself away from his chest, not quite getting up, but instead putting my hands on my hips.
That little son of a bitch shrugged and said, "I wanted to savour the moment."
My brain buffered as I processed what he just said and what he meant by it. He obviously saw the confusion written on my face, so grinned a little and darted forward to peck me on the lips. I froze up, not knowing how to respond. "Look, honey, I know you have a crush on me. Your friends' main category for embarrassment is crushes."
"I-I... uh-"
Rolling his eyes he said, "I like you too, dumbass. Now get back here," he pulled me back to his chest, this time kissing my forehead softly.
I could see my friends cheering in the not-so-far distance.
[884 words]

Crush Oneshots | Crush x Reader
Fiksi Penggemar- no smut - crush x reader - my writing improves throughout :) - NO LONGER UPDATED -------- ☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎ started: 15/02/2020 finished: 15/05/2022 milestones: -10k reads on 03/06/2020 -1k votes on 28/07/2020 -2k votes on 30/10/2...