Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's nameSong: "Love Sick" - Beach Bunny
requested by @ssaallie
« Normally, I start to panic
Get too close, I cut apart the strings
Typically, I break bad habits
But with you, it happened naturally »Pizza places had been known as great hangouts for friends for as long as they had existed. The fresh smell of oven baked pizza, the creamy mozzarella that melted in your mouth, and the warm homely atmosphere really made them ideal social locations. Hence why Y/N and her friends were were all eating at one on a lovely summer evening; the golden rays allowing the outside section of the local pizza place to be open and welcoming.
C/N and his friends had had the same idea at the exact same time. Which was convenient, as C/N and Y/N both had crushes on each other.
« Told myself that love is violent
Feelings fade and bitterness proceeds
When you're closer, I don't mind it
Secretly, I want you close to me »Y/N's group had already been seated outside when C/N's group arrived, only to be seated outside as well but across the patio. The girl had spared a glance at him, as he had her, but they were there to socialise with their friends, not to flirt. C/N received a lot of teasing from his friends, but Y/N hadn't told hers of her crush so remained unabused.
« Sick of love, I'm tired of the bullshit
Fed up with subtracting names
Need someone that isn't an equation
Only adding up to pain »They remained like that for another forty minutes, by which point they were all eating their own pizza. C/N and his friends had received their food after Y/N and her friends, but had already finished since they didn't hang about with eating. She was having a good time, but then one of her friends looked at her phone and said, "Shit, told dad the wrong time - he's outside waiting."
« But you're so »
"Don't worry about it, just go," Y/N said.
"Sorry, Y/N, but we're kinda carpooling with her since we all live near each other."
"Yeah we're sorry we have to leave you."
"I'll be fine, don't worry about it." Y/N forced a smile, looking down at her half eaten pizza as her friends said their goodbyes.
« Hiding from my own emotions
Terrified of letting someone in »C/N had watched the interaction, but was interrupted as his friend said, "Right, we should get going if we don't wanna miss the game."
They all agreed.
« Just because I'm over closure
Doesn't mean I wanna start again »"C/N - ya with us?"
"Yeah, uh - I'll catch up with you guys, gonna..." he trailed off, but it was clear what he meant by where he was looking.
"Oh, yeah, go flirt, get a girlfriend."
They all wished him luck before leaving.
« Trying to maintain composure
Let's pretend you're only just a friend »C/N got up and went over to where Y/N was awkwardly sat alone, "Hey, is this seat taken?"
"Not anymore," she sighed.
"What's up?"
"Oh, you know, friends had to go early, I'm not getting picked up for another half hour."
"Can I keep you company?"
"You can try."
« But if you leaned a little closer
I think you could fall into my head »He chuckled, taking a seat opposite her, "So, is it good pizza?"
"Yeah, but you know that," she said, "Shame I'm a slow eater."
"Here, I'll help," he picked up a slice.
She scowled at him, but ultimately didn't do anything to try and get it back. "You know, I feel bad for thinking it, but what if they were lying just to get away from me?"
« Sick of love, I'm tired of the bullshit
Fed up with subtracting names
Need someone that isn't an equation
Only adding up to pain »"I highly doubt that, but on the off chance they were, you've still got me," C/N smiled, "I'll always be here."
"Anytime - you know, I'm missing out a big game for this."
"I didn't ask you to, d'you want a medal or something?"
« But you're so »
"No, but I deserve one."
She gave him a judgemental look, before they both started laughing.
« Sometimes the doubt outweighs the feelings
I'm never sure who I should trust »Y/N checked her phone briefly and sighed, "Yep, they're all having a sleepover now."
"They posted about it?"
"Yeah, I know, like if you're gonna tell me you don't want me as your friend do it to my face."
She looked up at him from her empty plate, "You gonna ditch me too?"
« I'm getting tired of breaking and healing
I'm getting sick of patching myself up »"No, but I would like to know when our next date is."
He laughed, and leaned across the table to brush his lips across hers. They could taste the pizza-ry breath on each other, but they didn't mind.
« But you got me falling off to the ceiling
I get so dizzy when our lips touch »"Is, uh, is tomorrow good for you?"
"It's perfect," he grinned, "So, wanna come to the game with me... as my girlfriend?"
"I guess, but I gotta text my mum," she said with a shrug, standing up as he did and taking his extended hand.
« I wanna run away from my feelings
I can't remember which way is up »Hey, her friends may have ditched her, but at least she gained a boyfriend and thus a new group of friends.
« But with you »
bitches i have an actual genuine crush for the first time in ages. and it's on a tall and lanky sarcastic arsehole.
i've honestly never had a crush before where i'm staring at them all the time and subconsciously flirting when i talk to them
send help
[994 words]

Crush Oneshots | Crush x Reader
Fanfiction- no smut - crush x reader - my writing improves throughout :) - NO LONGER UPDATED -------- ☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎ started: 15/02/2020 finished: 15/05/2022 milestones: -10k reads on 03/06/2020 -1k votes on 28/07/2020 -2k votes on 30/10/2...