[𝟵𝟲] 🧸 Nᴏ Tᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ

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Y/N - your name
C/N - crush's name
B/N - best friend's name

Song: "Heart Of Glass" - Blondie

i'm so happy dodie released a new song and announced her album for next year!!


Let's just say, Y/N talked a lot, like a lot a lot. She was what you would call a chatterbox, as she didn't shut up no matter what, leading to multiple scoldings from teachers. Her friends knew she didn't do it to be rude to anyone, but it was rather something she couldn't control. The amount she talked seemed to only ever increase when she was around her crush of a few years, C/N. It was something she did out of nervous habit: rambling even more, that is.

So, it was one fine Wednesday morning when B/N, Y/N's best friend, was so fed up of her going on and on that she bet Y/N she couldn't go the rest of the day without talking. The catch? If she failed, B/N would tell C/N about her tiny little crush. Since Y/N was so determined to prove she could remain silent, she agreed, under the conditions that if a teacher called on her she was allowed to answer. Mere minutes after doing so, she knew it was a mistake; it was going to be a very long day.

C/N was a friend of theirs, so talking to him would not be easily avoided. In fact, Y/N even sat next to him in the second lesson: English. He seemed confused instantly when he sat down and she didn't immediately start rambling.

His confusion increased tenfold when she merely smiled at him with rosy cheeks and turned back to her book to continue writing. "Are you okay?" he asked, just as Y/N made eye contact with B/N across the room. She sighed, and tore a piece of paper out of her book to scribble, « B/N bet me I couldn't stay quiet all day ».

"Oh, I see," he chuckled, "Finding it hard so far?"

She gave a look that screamed 'duh', before turning her attention to the teacher who was calling for the class to stop talking.

Break was when she really began to struggle.

"Come on, Y/N, you have to at least have something to say about The Umbrella Academy," B/N grinned evilly, spinning her web of Y/N's weaknesses to catch her in, "It's your favourite show."

Y/N kept her lips pursed.

"Wow. Not even a peep... come on..." she continued, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "I think Luther is the best character." Y/N's eyes widened as she looked at her friend in disbelief, knowing she was just bullshitting her but still wanting to argue.

"Hey, guys," C/N suddenly said, coming over and sitting down, "How's it going?"

Knowing it wouldn't take too much for her to break with him around and B/N's evil plans, she mouthed 'I need to pee' and stood up to run off. That allowed her to have successfully gone up to break without cracking, but it was getting dangerously close.

Lunchtime soon ticked around, and Y/N ran into C/N as soon as she left her classroom making her immediately halt in her tracks. "Hey, Y/N," he grinned, probably concocting a plan to get her to talk, "You know... I think The Kissing Booth 2 is a good film."

Clenching her teeth, she breathed deeply, forcing a sweet smile and turning around to walk away. He quickly began following her, and caught up just as he said, "I think My Chemical Romance are shit."

Y/N proceeded to walk forwards, but quickened her pace to relieve some of her inner tension.

"You know... Yummy by Justin Bieber is actually a really good song-"

He was cut off by Y/N pressing her hand to his mouth and holding it there, her eyes widened and lips desperately being held together by her last string of sanity. Clasping his hand around her wrist, C/N moved her hand away from his mouth.

Leaning down so his face was mere inches from hers, he whispered, "I have a crush on B/N."

"What?" she instantly said, jealousy and sadness washing over her.

B/N, who was just about to walk up to them, heard that and instantaneously went, "Y/N! You spoke! You lose!"

"Y-yeah-" she mumbled, feeling her eyes stinging.

"You wanna know something, C/N?" she said, failing to notice Y/N's retracted demeanour, "Our good friend Y/N has a huge crush on you!"

He turned to her with a grin, "Oh, she does, does she?" but his grin turned to a frown when he saw the first tear trickle down her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" B/N frowned, wrapping an arm around Y/N, "Is it because of me?"

"No," Y/N said softly, looking up at C/N. The penny dropped in his mind.

"Is it because of what I said, Y/N? 'Cause I didn't mean it!" he quickly said, "I was just trying to get you to talk..."

"R- really?" she sniffed.

"Yeah! I... uh... I like you."

Her gaze and expression lifted a bit, before the frown disappeared entirely and her lips stretched into a grin, "You do?"

C/N nodded.

"Oh my god! You know, when B/N bet me that I couldn't stay silent all day and told me the catch was you finding out about my feelings, I wasn't thinking it through properly, and only a few minutes later I realised I would probably end up failing, you know? But now here you are, confessing to me, just after making me believe you had a crush on B/N! God... just a few moments ago I thought all hope was lost and-"

"Y/N," B/N said sharply.

"Oh, right, sorry..." she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, "Anyway, uh... will you be my boyfriend?"

"I'd be honoured... but I may have to consider buying some ear plugs."


had no inspiration but i bullshitted this anyway

hope y'all are having a good day/night!

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