- no smut
- crush x reader
- my writing improves throughout :)
☘︎ european date format ☘︎︎
started: 15/02/2020
finished: 15/05/2022
-10k reads on 03/06/2020
-1k votes on 28/07/2020
-2k votes on 30/10/2...
It's not that I don't love C/N, I do, and I'm not mad at him or anything. I just need to breathe. And, what do I do when I need to breathe? I go for a nice hike. C/N understands when I need to leave to get some space, and helps me pack my rucksack with essentials before kissing me goodbye. I probably won't be out for more than one night, but it's good to be prepared in case I feel the urge to temporarily become a faerie.
Living in the countryside, it isn't a long walk before I reach the nearby woods of which I love more than C/N (but don't tell him that). I can't tell you how refreshing it is to smell the sweet smells of the freshly blooming trees and feel the comforting softness of the soil beneath my soles. It's times like this I truly feel alive. And so, I start my trek, walking much further in than I normally would, because I'm in the mood to set camp somewhere new. Of course, it's just my luck that it begins to rain, so I quickly look around to find some temporary shelter to wait it out, seeing some down in a little ditch. A tree is hanging over in just the right position, and the dip serves as wind protection.
I move to carefully manoeuvre myself down the slope, taking cautiously calculated steps. Unfortunately, that isn't enough, because my right foot slips into an unseen hole and forces me to fall forwards and bend my ankle, a nasty crunch sound making me shiver to the core. From my position, I manage to pull out my foot with tears falling down my cheeks as to cope with the pain. I bum shuffle all the way under the tree and lean back against the slope with my lower lip between my teeth. I'm pretty sure I just broke my ankle.
I begin to fish around for my phone in my pocket, but I can't find it at all, until in the frantic scoping of my nearby surroundings I see it smashed and drowning in a puddle just outside the shelter. Oh fuck. Oh no. It must have fallen out during the tumble. I lean forward and take it out the puddle, desperately trying to dry it, but it's no use. It won't turn on.
C/N will worry about my whereabouts eventually, right? And I have supplies for a few days, but it's how long I'll be able to survive with my ankle that concerns me. There is no way I can go anywhere with it injured, as hopping or crawling around in the woods is just going to subject me to more injury.
After popping a couple ibuprofen, I take a drink and decide to not consider eating anything until the next day. Lord knows how I'm going to survive this...
Maybe I won't.
C/N stared anxiously at his phone on the coffee table. It was the night of the day after Y/N had left, and this was normally when she'd drop in a text just to say she was fine. Except, she hadn't. She should have sent the text about three hours ago, but he was desperately trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she had just forgotten? Even that didn't seem like her. C/N tried to call her after another couple minutes of waiting, but it went straight to voicemail. There was no way her phone was out of charge: she had fully charged two power banks for the trip and always made sure her phone had some energy in case of emergencies.
Something was wrong. Very wrong. And he confirmed that he had to do something after the third time of the call going straight to voicemail. But it was night at that point, should he wait til morning? Y/N could be in serious danger, though. Better safe than sorry, right? So, he called his best friend after that, and asked his opinion on the matter. And what was his verdict? If it's truly unlike Y/N and you feel something is awfully wrong, do something about it right away. At the time he didn't realise what a life saving decision that was.
They called the police station and explained the situation, and since they were countryside police and didn't have much serious crime to deal with, a search team with paramedics was soon sent out. C/N joined them in the search the next day, as they had insisted on him resting. Of course, he didn't get any rest. He couldn't.
Two days passed, and... nothing. Y/N couldn't be found anywhere: not on any of her normal routes or anything. Police had begun questioning C/N about whether or not he had done something to her, or abused her into running away, but he swore he hadn't, and passed his polygraph test.
Meanwhile, Y/N had been rationing her food and water, and desperately bandaging her ankle in the most supportive way possible. All she was grateful for was the fact that there couldn't be internal bleeding with a broken ankle, and there certainly wasn't any external. It certainly wasn't life threatening, although her walking may be dodgy for the rest of her life. That wasn't a priority: her main concern was dehydration.
It was uncomfortable sleeping where she was, and she wished she could stand up to set up her tent. At least she had a sleeping bag and shelter, however, and for that she was grateful.
The sound of a helicopter coming nearer stirred her from her slumber the next morning, three days after the search began and four days after she left. Her ankle was practically numb at that point, and she was so drained she swore she almost didn't recognise a voice yelling, "Yes! That's her!"
Y/N cautiously peered over the edge of the ditch with all her remaining strength to see a group of people running towards her, evidently led by the helicopter above. C/N was at the front of the group. C/N.
"Baby!" he called, skidding down into the ditch and pulling her into his arms, "I was so worried." She smiled a little, before finally fainting.
Bright lights met Y/N's eyes and blinded her when she woke up, and she blinked slowly to get used to the whiteness and observe her surroundings. Her ankle was bandaged and raised for support, and she had IV lines connected to her arms. By her bed was none other than her lover, C/N, who had a worried look etched on to his face.
"You're awake," he breathed, grabbing her hand and squeezing tightly.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"I was worried sick, Y/N!" he said exasperatedly, "And... look... I- I know you don't want to hear this- and I'm not doing it to be controlling!- but I don't want you to go hiking by yourself anymore."
She nodded faintly. She didn't want to stop, but knew that it wasn't fair on anyone involved to continue.
"I- I love you, Y/N... I don't want to go through the fear of nearly losing you again."
"I- I understand, C/N... I love you too."
They had a lot to talk about.
sorry this took a while but i wrote a chonky oneshot for it to make up for it
i've been rlly unmotivated towards everything as of late