Leo x God!Reader

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ROTTMNT x Noragami (Crossover)

Leo didn't think God's existed but in the Japan they had a ton of them, They had lots of different shrines around. He was visiting for a bit since they had never been there before, he ended up going on his own because the others wanted to see their own thing so this is where he ended up really. A little while later he ended up at a little shrine with not much around and little bits of food offerings for it. "Hmm seems very different from the other ones I saw." He bent down to look closer, he heard some noises in the trees and right away stood back up. He pulled out both swords and yelled out. "Who's there!" He heard nothing till a figure came out of the trees and looked at him. They just stood there, they were at least 5'6 not too short not too tall and had longish H/C hair with shining E/C eyes. "Who are you?" He asked, they jumped a bit and had a shocked looked to their face. They looked around quickly, "Uhh...Me?" They pointed to themselves. "Uhh yeah you, who else would I be talking to?" He said looking a little annoyed at the moment. "Wait you can see me?!" They backed up and turned around heading for the tree again and hid. "He can see me ohhhhh shit!" They yelled out. "Well don't just stand there! We have to run!" Another voice yelled. "Okay now there are two people, who the heck are you and why won't you tell me!" He yelled and got behind the tree to see two people on the ground both whispering. They look up scared, "Look if you want something asked them! I'm just a regalia!" They too screamed. "Oh hell nah you little punk, If I go down so do you!" They choke held them. "Calm down!" They both stop, "I just wanna know who you are and why you are watching me."

They blinked, They stood up. "R/N go get me some juice at the store, you know the fruity one." They asked. "Really now?" They nod. "Alright if you need me call me." They walked away and then jumped roof to roof much he did in New York. "What was?" "I'm (God name), and of course am watching you. This place here is my shrine." They moved their hand over to where their shrine was. "Wait....your...a god?" They nod. "Yes, well not a well known one but one who is known enough to get my very own. Sorry for scaring you, its just people can't usually see us really." "Wait people can't see you guys?" They look away. "Sometimes but usually after a while we blend into the background again. For me in general it's like that so I didn't think you could see me. But you must have some type of powerful magic if you can see me." They say, Leo nods his head in a proud statement. "Well yeah, I'm a Hamato after all!" He puffed his chest out. They giggle. "I see, A Hamato then? I feel like I must have hear that name. You must be from a long distant clan then?" They asked. "Something like that." He waved his hand. They walked over to the little house like shrine and laid down, "Well it was nice meeting you, you should be meeting up with your friends or family soon. Hope you have a safe trip blah blah blah." They waved their hand to get him to go away. "Hey! Why are you making me leave, I haven't even gotten to talk to you." They glared at him and he seemed to shut up when doing so. "You don't need to get to know me or talk to me, none of this will matter within the hours so just go away." They sighed/ huffed. "You know for a god, your pretty mean." They looked at him with a smirk. "God's don't have to be nice to people like you, and beside we can do whatever we want with no sin on us." Leo sat down much to the god's dismay. "Why are you trying to get rid of me and what does 'this won't matter within the hours.' mean anyway?" They looked over sadly. "Most people will remember most well known god's and even see them if they want to be seen. Lesser known god's like me...well people forget about us. They will maybe think about us once in a great while but its more of a hazy, a blank face you know like 'oh yeah that guy with the face.' but it blank or just not there. Maybe you will remember me but you don't live here from what I can see. So yeah you'll forget and I don't like getting to into people...it just hurts honestly." They turn around as they lay softly breathing and Leo frowned at the words they said, he didn't wanna forget about them. Would he even forget about them. 

He touched their shoulder, "I won't forget! I'm a hamato and have the powers of hamato! who knows I might remember for years to come, and hey even if I forget I would still like to get to know you!" They look at him in shock and start brusting out laughing. "Your an idiot! hahaha! That's is the most oddest thing I have ever heard!" Leo frowned while pouting, he crossed his arms while waiting for the laughing to stop. "Well I don't think it's funny..." They stopped laughing and looked back with such a wide smile that Leo could help but blush at it. The more he looked at them now, he saw their rosey cheeks light up as their smile grew bigger. Their hair was nice and sliky and soft blowing in the wind, their eyes were bright that maybe in the dark they would shine like lights. "Your beautiful..." He whispered. "Wait...wha-?" They blushed so brightly that raph mask would be put to shame, their mouth was wide open, eyes wide. "...uhhh did I say that out loud?" He asked and Y/N nods. "Ahh well...hahaha, god I fucked up." He hid his face. "Hey don't swear a god's name." They laughed. "And hey I am beautiful, you just so happened to notice it." They waved around and danced, Leo relaxed and started laughing. "I think am in love..." He sighed smiling. "What?" "Nothing!" He yelled. "Now how about we talk?" He held his hand out. "Hehe, sure why not?" They toke his hand and thus started a whole new world.


I started this back in....Dec??? really whenever I rewatched Noragami for the first time in like....7 years. I watched it in Japanese back in 2014 when it came out like right when it came out and I never watched the 2nd season cause I had already seen the whole manga in like 2015 so I didn't see a point but here I am. I hope it was okay...sorry for not making stories in a while, am very busy with life and with other hobbies. But am getting there, well see you later. Enjoy!

Stories by MushroomFiction.

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