Leo x Reader

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Warning - Suicidal Reader. Reader is also a magical creature who can be reborn again.

You were hanging out on top of a very tall building, hanging your feet off the ledge of it as you swing them. You were looking down at the city below you, it was nice to look at the city this time of night...peaceful. Thinking back on my life, so many things have happened. I'm so tired, I almost wonder what the feeling of freedom would feel like. I had a fight with Leo earlier, I had told him that I wanted to leave this world..I'm done fighting. I lived a long good life, been 6 years since I meet the brothers and I had been alive for 90 years now, sure it was not always happy. But I have a family who gave me happy times and friends who would always be there for me. Leo was my best friend, the only one I could open up too...but tonight when I did...haha I understand. What I want would hurt them so badly, I just....it hurts so much.

My H/C hair blew in the soft wind that covered the city, I heard a noise akin to foot steps and jumping, soon landing down next to me. "Y/N? Geez I looked for you everywhere!" I looked ahead, "Hah don't worry, I'm never to far from any of you. I will always be looking over you close by." I smiled softly but I still didn't look at him. "Then why do you wanna die? If you die you can't do that!" His anger was very loud in his voice but am not one to scare easy and he knows that. "I always will, no matter where the world may bring me." I turned then and gave him a serious yet calm caring expression. He deflated then but he still had a hint of anger. "I don't wanna die bluebird." I said his nickname in good faith. "Then what do want then huh? You how hard it is to hear your best friend not wanna be here...." He looked away and sat down next to me. "I want peace.....I want freedom....but honestly bluebird..I can never have that even if I leave this world. You know I'll just be reborn and come back." I said and looked at a mother with her child and I sighed, ("Y/N look! the Lilies are growing in full bloom! I'm so happy you get to see them! This is your first time right?"......."Always....smile...for me...please...I wanna only see you happy...not sad..") I jumped as Leo laid a hand on my shoulder, I gasped and looked over a deer in the head lights look. "Hey...I don't know where you went but your not there. This is now, not then." He said with a serious expression, I blinked and smiled. "Yeah I know." I looked away. "If you know you'll come back then why go with this whole thing then? Do you wanna forget about me? Do you not like me anymore?" I looked back quickly at him, eye wide like. "What! No why would you think that, of course I like you! Hell fuck I more then like you." They yelled, they have grabbed Leo's shoulders shaking him. "If you more then like me!-" He grabbed their arms and pulled them into a hug wrapping his arms around their neck. "Then stay for me! Fight for me! I don't wanna lose you, your my best friend and I love you. I know you had a hard life before you meet us and you relive it a lot, its hard when your right next to me but your eyes see elsewhere and your mind in another place. But if the world becomes too much, look at me and only me! I'm not letting you go, am gonna fight for you and get you through this. Fuck if you need me to be near you all the time then fine I'll move in your room at your house, the others will understand." Y/N grabbed Leo arm they hid into his shoulder. "You know why, they want you here just as much as me. Your family still needs you. No matter how much you may think they don't they do." He petted their hair. "I love you...." Y/N hugged him around the waist as tears rain down their cheeks. "I love you." He kept saying it like a mantra. ".....I don't wanna forget...anything, anyone...you. But am scared, am gonna lose all of you someday and I'll be all alone by the time it's over." They sobbed quietly. "I know, I don't wanna think about it either. But you can't give up now. Don't you wanna be with us as long as you can. And who knows maybe you won't have to come back. Who says you have to stay?" They sniff. "I don't know. It's just what I've been told." "Then how can you even know for sure?" They looked away, they rubbed their nose. "I suppose your right...they have lied to me before. Maybe...." Leo smiled. "Well then?" "I guess your right...but I feel so lost and I can't help but feel this way." They sighed lifting up. Leo rubbed away the tears. "We'll figure it out together and check out what they said is true. You have us to get you through this, that's what family is for." He said holding their hand. "I do love you." He said blushing. "I know you said it quite a lot." They laughed smiling. "No I mean...like...not family well family but not sibling kind. You know I wanna hold your hand, hug you....kiss you." He looked down and smiled funny like. Y/N blinked and blushed brightly laughing. "Oh! Hahahhaha that's what you meant." "I know it's-!" They kissed him quickly. "It's not dumb. I love you too Leo. Its always been you." They held his hand. "Wait! How come you never told me!?" Y/N gave him a knowing look. He shut up. "That's what I thought. Come on, let's go home." They stood over him offering a hand. He toke it and they pulled him up straddling him and grinning. "Gotta take my Princess home must he be taken from me." They kissed him again and he laughed loudly and so did they. "Thanks Leo really." "Anything for you." Anything for you.

Wrote this months ago and got tired of it. Sorry if it sounds all over the place. Thanks for reading.

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