Leo x Pregnant!Reader

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(You have no idea how hard it is to spell pregnant...lol. They are female but the reader is NonBinary)

Its been 9 and a half month since Y/N has gotten pregnant, Leo was everywhere making sure Y/N didn't do very much during it. They seemed to be fine with other task but he would always insist about it that they just let him. "Honey calm down." They cooed. "I won't be calm! You need to rest I can do everything just stay in bed!" He put them on the bed. They giggle at how panicked he looks but soon they grab his wrist, "Leo, am okay really. He's only kicking a bit and plus I've been resting for months now. Just relax for me sweetheart?" He frowns and sits on the bed. "I'm just worried about the baby, this is my first time having a kid let alone how to be a father." He sighs holding his face. "I know its the same for me, but I don't want you to run yourself to the ground. I want you to be happy not stressed." They kissed his head. Y/N is at least 2 inches taller then Leo so they always hold him even when they are the one holding the baby. "Oh he's kicking, want to see daddy?" They laugh and Leo peeks his head out to see them smiling. "Come on daddy, baby wants to see you." Leo rubs his hand on their belly, he can feel the kicking and it feels a lot more stronger then usual. "Doesn't that hurt?" "Yeah it does." "Doesn't that mean he will come soon?" They shrug. "I don't know, Maybe?" "Y/N!" They laugh "I'm kidding I'm kidding, he is but nothing to worry. Am not in a huge amount of pain." He sighs "Yet anyway." He falls over. "I need to stop teasing you before you Eggspire on me." They laugh. "I see what you did there." He kisses them and laughs.
"We'll figure this out together, team work remember? We are a team." He holds them this time while sitting in their lap. "Yeah we are a team, the best team." He smiles softly.

Later that night Y/N is woken up to a strong kick. "Woah..." They whisper. They get up shaking a bit but somehow make it to the bathroom next door. "You sure are active tonight sweetie?" They exclaim as another kick comes to them sending them to slide to the floor. "Ouch!" They try to get back up but nothing to much pain. Just then they feel like they are sitting in a pool...uh oh. "Well I guess you wanna meet us huh kiddo?? Couldn't wait to hear Daddy's jokes?" They giggle as they groan loudly. "Okay stay calm...I need to...*yelp*!" Another one and they are on the floor laying down now. "Leo!" They scream, they don't like screaming but the need to. They can't get up to get him. "Leo!"

Leo wakes up he hears his name but he doesn't know why. "Y/N?" He sits up, looking over he see's that no one is in the bed with him. Then he hears it, "Leo!" He gasps and gets up running out the door and into the hall, he opens the door to the bathroom but sees no one until. "Down here sweetheart." He looks down and sees a mess. Y/N's lower half is covered in water, they are laying on their side holding their belly as if protecting the baby. They are panting heavily as well, "Y/N!? Are you okay? Is the baby!" They hold his face. "We are fine but I am in a lot of pain so before you lose your shit...sorry please get me off this floor. He's wants to hear your jokes." They laugh but then grunted again as more kicks come. "On it!" Even if they are 2 inches taller he is still strong enough to lift them up off the floor and into the lairs living room. "Dad! The baby! Y/N is having the baby!!" Everyone comes out. "Blue! Hurry over here." Daxrum came out and got the room ready. He laid them down on the bed, "Steady Y/N, we got you now." Daxrum said as he set to get ready. "This is it Y/N, the baby is coming." He tried to stay calm. "Hey, its okay. We got this, teamwork right? I need you." He nods. "Right teamwork! Hold my hand hun I got you." They grabbed his hand and he yelps. "Sorry darling..." "Its fine, I heard that you guys can rip a bear if you wanted too." He laughs through the pain. "I feel like I can." They giggle. "Ready?" They nod to Daxrum. "Push!"

After a while a baby cry and little B/N was born. Y/N was holding them softly, and cooing to the baby. "You did a wonderful job, beautiful." He kisses them. "Thanks, am all gross and tired but thanks." They laugh. "B/N is so cute, he looks just like you darling." They shine more beautiful then Leo has ever seen. "He has your eyes thought....You okay with him looking like me?" Leo asked. "I couldn't ask for anything better, he's stunning. My little boy." They reach out to hug Leo along with the baby. "He gonna be so much like you and me. I can't wait to see him grow up. Its gonna be so wonderful." He smiles. "I love you both so much, I can't wait to see him grow up and make jokes!" They chuckle "Of course that would make you happy." He lifts up. "Dad jokes! Can I make Dad jokes!?" They nod. "Wouldn't be complete without them."  He jumps for joy. "Here." They lift him up to Leo. "Oh wait! I don't know how!" "Just hold his head and keep him close. Your gonna do it eventually anyway dear." He hesitates but holds him in his arms. "See just like that, your a natural." "Haha yeah I am. Hey little guy." B/N looks at him and coos smiling. "We are gonna take good care of you. And I will teach you the ways of the jokes and you'll be kicking butt before your 7! How does that sound?" B/N coos again. "Hehe right Y/N? Y/N?" He looks up and see that they had fallen asleep. "I shouldn't be surprised." He goes over and kisses them on the head. "Goodnight Y/N. I love you. Time for bed for you pumpkin." He lays the baby down and sit in the chair. Leo was over the moon, he was scared but he know that with Y/N and B/N they would be just fine. They were all a team, the best team.

Ran out of ideas so I went with this. Hope that's okay? See ya later am tired.

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