Leo x Depressed!Reader

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Just a phone call away.

Requested by The2tailedfoxy

Leo knew about my depression, he said that I should call when it became too much for me, but I never did I just said I was fine and left it at that. I didn't wanna admit something was wrong with me and I needed someone......I just couldn't. I could do this on my own. But one day it all became too much for me. One night I got a text from Leo, 'hey, N/N! What's up wanna hang out tonight?' Then phone dinged I looked at it and sobbed I couldn't do this anymore! The thoughts of being dirty and useless was to much for me! My mind filled with so many thoughts and I cried and cried till I would sleep but tonight it was different, seeing that text and how he sounded so happy and care free and so....normal it made me angry and sick.

I texted back. 'Nah got homework and things to do.' I got up and walked out of my apartment and on jump from roof to roof feeling more free then I felt in years. I left my phone and didn't see the text back from Leo. I didn't care about others now, just me and myself. My friends didn't need me, who cares about me? I stopped very far from my home and looked down the building. It looked like such a far way down.....I thought. The thoughts...they'll stop if am not alive right? Dark thoughts came to my mind and I felt so bad full of guilt. I pushed back and yelled slightly I couldn't do this but it would be so wonderful to just make the thoughts stop! I grabbed my H/C hair and pulled so hard. I paced and muttered to myself. You see when I cry and start to get tired with mental exhaustion I start to lose my mind and everything is just so maddening. It clicked then, jump jump jump. I ran so fast the fastest I have ever run and jumped but the ground never came.

Instead two very strong arms were around me and holding me tightly. I looked at the plastron in front of me and the muttering started again. "Why, why, why, why, why, did you let, me , me , me.......Why!" I pushed and kicked as Leo held me there. I sobbed "why?......" "Because I don't wanna lose you Y/N...I can't bare to lose you....not like this." He pushed back from the hug and wiped my tears, "I knew you weren't doing your homework, you hate doing it." He smiled slightly. "Guess I gave you an unknown clue I guess..." he chuckled. "Yeah....look I know your ocd is hard for you and the thoughts. But I'm here for you anytime you need me to be." He hugged me again. "I can't do this Leo it's too much..." I teared up not able to cry no more. "I know Y/N.....I know." He pets my hair to calm me down and it kind of work. "Your coming to live with us." I looked up. "What!?" I pushed back and swayed by the sudden movement. "But-!" "No butt and or ifs about it. I hear it's better to be around people so your thoughts don't come about. Something to keep your mind off of things. My brothers and pops even said you can!" He smiled widely. "I really don't deserve such a good friends." I smile, "Oh but you do hell you deserve the world!" He picked you up and laughed as you yelped grabbing his neck your arm holding on as he jumped from roof to roof. "Thanks Leo....really I mean it. I was really going to do it too." He choked up. "Y-Yeah...I know, I saw you for the last few minutes before you jumped. I just moved when you ran." He said trying not to cry, you hugged him best you could. "I'm sorry..." he shook his head. "It won't happen again....I promise you. I'll keep a close eye on you." He sighed. "Sleep Y/N...sleep." He softly said as you closed your eyes and feel into a fit less sleep in the hold of the blue clad turtle.

Months had pasted and you two were dating, both of you were happy and the thoughts still came but you had Leo and Leo had you.

Man this got to real for me there, this was based off my own experience with my disorder with ocd and the dark thoughts that come with it. I am better and still have off days but things are better and they will get better. Enjoy ♡♢♡
Stories by MushroomFiction.

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